Nate Perkins Live: with Joining Forces for Change Demonstrating Innovation and Impact Through UN-Business Partnerships New World Coca-Cola
Nate Perkins Live: with Amit Srivastava CHALLENGING COCA-COLA's ATLANTA- CORPORATE: By Amit Srivastva Director Global Resistance The Coca-Cola Company, the Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Foundation (UNF) & the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP).8
Providing Water and Sanitation in Tsunami Affected Areas
(Access to Water and Basic Services)
Factsheet on Coca-Cola (400 KB PDF)
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The scale and scope of the December 26, 2004 tsunami tragedy presented a serious challenge to international and humanitarian agencies and prompted an outpouring of help from across the world, much of which came from the private sector. Coca-Cola was among many companies that quickly provided support. The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC), its bottling partners and employees contributed US$20 million to tsunami relief and recovery efforts, including both financial and in-kind donations such as bottled drinking water.
Actions Taken
TCCC contributed just over US$1 million of its direct cash support to the United Nations Foundation (UNF), which, along with the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP) helped to coordinate a partnership initiative with UNDP designed to build on the UNs post-tsunami recovery efforts in the region. The goal of the partnership was to support the long-term reconstruction effort with a focus on sustainable, community-based water and sanitation activities in remote, tsunami-affected areas of Thailand, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the Maldives. Both the UN and TCCC were also keen to have the companys involvement entail more than a simple cash contribution. For example, TCCC loaned one of its managers to the UNDP Regional Centre in Bangkok on a full-time basis for one year to help build and manage the partnership activities.
Additionally, TCCC and its bottling partners immediately used manufacturing capability for the large scale production of bottled drinking water and harnessed the distribution and logistics reach of its business system to meet the needs of local communities and various relief and government agencies in affected areas.
Benefits to Society
In the south of Thailand, the TCCC partnership is helping tsunami-affected communities on Lanta Island by funding and working with local villagers on a series of initiatives to ease water shortage problems. In the fishing community of Sanga-U, for example, ten check dams have been built along the village stream to collect and retain rainwater for use in more than 100 households. In Sri Lanka, the project serves two badly-hit areas of the country Kattankudi in the East and Kalupe in the South providing improved access to water and sanitation as well as building greater community awareness on water, sanitation and hygiene issues. The project in Indonesia provided the government with comprehensive hydro-geological data and mapping on freshwater resources in the Pidie and Sigli districts of Aceh. Building on this data, the project now provides safe and regular water supply and sanitation facilities to more than 7,000 villagers in this region of the country. On the isolated island of Dhambidhoo in the Maldives, meanwhile, the project is installing a sustainable sanitation system for all island residents, preventing further sewage-based pollution of the precious groundwater and local marine environment.
Benefits to the Company
The partnership project laid the foundation for a deeper strategic collaboration between Coca-Cola and the UN system around the world. In particular, shared efforts have evolved on the topic of water resource management an area of considerable focus for both organizations. TCCC and UNF have since launched The Global Water Challenge, an initiative meant to save lives and reduce suffering in developing countries by providing safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene education. In March 2006, TCCC became a signatory to the UN Global Compact and, later that year, initiated a pioneering, five-year regional partnership with UNDP in Eurasia and the Middle East to help local communities tackle water-related developmentchallenges.
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