PRESS RELEASE: "The 1712 Speech by Willie Lynch"
A WORD from the Economist Novelist
When Bruce Batchelor, CEO of Trafford Publishing Company started the self-publish book, many in 1995, Bruce was a self-published author who decided to do something about the ongoing “How do I get published?” problem. Then, Bruce and writers set up Trafford Publishing technology as a vehicle to help new authors self-publish. Bruce, along with his friends, introduced the revolutionary concept of “On-Demand Book Publishing” to minimize cost and inconvenience.
Now, the conventional publishing companies coexist in harmony. No one thinks twice about using whichever one is appropriate. It would be silly to enter into a debate about which is better, the digital on-demand publishing or the conventional publishing. They serve different functions. If I want Googleonomics simplicity in saving time and money to get published, I use the digital on-demand book publishing way. If I want to go to the gatekeepers of publishing books then the conventional way is to get publish.
Think of digital print-on-demand publishing as Googleonomics. Those big publishing houses in New York City are the conventional publishing companies. One isn’t better than the other; they are just different. But all writers, even self-publish purists would do well to consider using both. Sure, I still reach for the conventional way and I submit most of my books to those New York publishers. I always receive rejection letters but I keep trying because I share that elusive dream of fame, fortune, and Oprah! Guess what? They reject 98 percent of the books submitted to them. Picking up that conventional way of getting publishes becomes harder and harder, when I know a paper cut awaits me at the end.
That’s why I authored “Googleonomics“ book. No, the conventional way for publishing is not going out of business, but I wanted to help my fans and readers get the word out about simplicity digital self-published books with on-demand publishing. Like the world’s foremost search engine site, provides a new economic marketing opportunity for you and your book--at no cost to you. Google’s new innovative service is called Google Book Search and it will allow people researching a topic on the Internet to see a few pages of your book. Google will provide a “Buy this book” link to on-line book retailers, including, Trafford’s bookstore.
Yes, nearly every book I write I submit to New York publishers. But every book I publish, I submit to Trafford Publishing. And Bruce will publish your book, too. It is Googleonomics, simply a matter of using all possible resources, and it doesn’t have to be a choice.
Thanks with Respect,
Nate Perkins
Author, Googleonomics:
This book is dedicated to the Mother of Civil Rights Rose Parks
This book provides an economic analysis of electronic commerce and the Internet. As well as social and legal implications of the electronic commerce revolution.
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About the Book
GOOGLEONOMICS introduces the reader to the subject of economics and how it applies to real Internet world situations. Case interviews and articles in each chapter illustrate specific topics such as the internet engines crisis, economic growth in the digital world, internet ads cutting, the shift from capitalism to freedom and democracy to neoconservatives, how environmental issues like global warming affect the new economy…
The author introduces the fundamental questions, institutional details, and a review of the microeconomic theory underlying the role of the public sector. He develops the theory of public views and a comment applies the theory to "Where Do We Go from Here?" of public expenditure in the United States. He also, repeats this pattern presenting the theory of thanks with respect and...
Today television and movie videos expected to perform well can flop, whilst independent videos with low budgets can be wildly successful. In this superb new book, Perkins casts his expert eye over all aspects of the internet business and presents some intriguing conclusions.
This book represents the first study in the literature that provides a systematic, US-wide analysis of local world-high technology connections at the lowest possible level of spatial aggregation. The author ultimate aim "to transformed democracy from and to bring the community into the mainstream of America life as quickly as possible to the World Wide Web".
An update of the quick and easy guide to learning the principles of economics. Between the daily barrage of economic indicators and the constant fluctuation of everything from vlogger, blogger, digital books, internet-protocol television to the founder fathers of neoconservatives, a solid grounding in the basics of economics has only become more vital in forty years. This updated introduction to the subject provides exactly that.
A Strong Buy!
About the Author
Nate Perkins is the host of the IPTV show in Atlanta, Georgia. Authored of NATE PERKINS LIVE! "Memoir" We're at a crossroad! Talk To Me, the NATE PERKINS LIVE IPTV: "Current TV/News Unofficial Blog" and the How To Become #1 Video producer [Vlog]. Yes, nearly every book I write I submit to New York publishers. But every book I publish, I submit to Trafford Publishing. It is Googleonomics simple a matter of using all possible resources, and it doesn't have to be a choice. Google Inc., will provide a "Buy this book" link to online book retailers, including, Trafford's bookstore and the GOOGLEONOMICS.COM on-line bookstore.
Presently, Perkins is working on a new novel called SuperGoogleonomics and resides in Atlanta, Georgia.
Topics Discussion
“Exploring Economic Simplicity”
--Spoken Word
By: Nate Perkins
‘If = then‘
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., became a minister, then a World Civil Right Leader! If Reverend Jesse Jackson became a preacher, then an American Civil Right Leader! If Al Gore became Vice-President, then a TV Media Mogul! If Zell Miller became a Democrat Senator, then a Republican! If Ronald Reagan became a TV star, then President of the United States of America! If Arnold Schwarzenegger became a Movie star, then a Governor! If = then… I became a Liberal, then a Democrat, then a Republican, but then …my blood is nor black, nor brown, nor green nor blue, but my blood is Red and If = then …I am American.
Googleonomics: provides a good start-to-finish economics process to become an Google’s Adword, Ads, blogger, vlogger, and Google’s Book Search to have your book digital printing, and an Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) Producer and includes interviews and blogging on how to become self-study. While no single section is overly detailed, the Current TV Studio section is nicely laid out with step-by-step advice for managing conversations and making selling ads and Internet videos (Vlog) for the IPTV connections.
If you have the overall producer job search process under control, you may be ready for a close look at Google’s search engine for copyrighting digital books, bloggings, vloggings and your pod producer skills. After all, as anyone will tell you, it’s the Google’s ads and Current TV pods that get the “Green Light”. Googleonomics is a great and Simple to read! A Strong Buy! A must for media, mathematics, economists, authors, bloggers, vloggers, producers, entrepreneurs at heart.
One tale after another that readers will enjoy. I give it a green light or five stars without a doubt. You will find yourself devouring it in no time, after you pick it up. Combat Global Warning. Was this review helpful to you?
Economist Nate Perkins-- the book “Googleonomics” is the most Internet Progressive Political Thinker of the 21st Century”
--Marcia Evette Parker, Esquire
Economist Nate Perkins-- the word “Googleonomics” means the beauty of Simplicity and is leading the Hottest Trend in Internet Business--“Turning Simplicity into a Competition Killer for as Technology. Making it simple is the Next Big Thing“. --FAST COMPANY
November 2005
Googleonomics--Under Google’s Print Library Project Program. “Google is scanning entire copyrighted books, in some cases without the permission of publishers and authors, then letting people search them using its search engine and view parts of them online. The publishers view the program as a way to promote sales of their books. All the Google programs are free to customers“. --Mylene Mangalindan and Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
November 2005
Googleonomics--”Anything that Google is doing, Madison Avenue and people definitely have to be watching. They are pioneers. They have deep pockets, and are looking to expand their success”. --Jeremy Cornfeldt at Carat Fusion, an Aegis Group THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
November 2005
Googleonomics--”Google in recent months has purchased ad pages in two technology magazines and made the space available to some of its advertisers. Google has also indicated that it is thinking about extending its ad-placement services to other areas, possibly including News and Television“. Brian Steinberg THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
November 2005
Googleonomics--Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin are between the USA richest. “Google Inc. last month said their planned $1 billon in Philanthropy would include backing entrepreneurs in place such as western Africa“. --Jim Hopkins, USA TODAY
November 2005
By Elayna Monts
In 1712 a slave owner from the West Indies named Willie Lynch gave a speech to the colony of Virginia. The Virginia slave owners requested Willie Lynch, because they were having problems controlling the slaves at the time. Mr. Lynch had devised a plan that was guaranteed to control black slaves and it was working in the West Indies. His speech follows in its entirety.
The 1712 Speech by Willie Lynch
I greet you here on the bank of the James River in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and twelve. First, I shall thank you, The Gentlemen of the Colony of Virginia, for bringing me here. I am here to help you solve some of your problems with your slaves. Your invitation reached me on my modest plantation in the West Indies, where I have experimented with some of the newest and still the oldest methods of control of slaves.
Ancient Rome would envy us if my program is implemented. As our boats sailed south on the James River, named for our illustrious King whose version of the Bible we cherish, I saw enough to know that your problem is not unique. While Rome used cords of wood as crosses for standing human bodies along its old highways in great numbers, you are here using the tree and the rope on occasion. I caught a whiff of a dead slave hanging from a tree a couple of miles back. You are not only losing valuable stock by hangings, you are having uprisings, slaves are running away, your crops are sometimes left in the fields too long for maximum profit, you suffer occasional fires, your animals are killed, gentlemen, you know what your problems are: I do not need to elaborate. I am not here to enumerate your problems.
I am here to introduce you to a method of solving them. In my bag here, I have a fool proof method for controlling your black slaves. I guarantee every one of you that if installed correctly, it will control the slaves at least 300 years. My method is simple, any member of your family or any overseer can use it.
I have outlined a number of differences among the slaves and I take these differences and make them bigger. I use fear, distrust, and envy for control purposes. These methods have worked on my modest plantation in the West Indies and it will work throughout the south. Take this simple list of differences, and think about them.
On top of my list is "Age", but it is there only because it starts with an "A": the second is "Color" or shade, there is intelligence, size, sex, size of plantation, status on plantation, attitude of owner, whether the slaves live in the valley, on the hill, east, west, north, south, have fine or course hair, or is tall or short. Now that you have a list of differences. I shall give you an outline of action-but before that, I shall assure you that distrust is stronger than trust, and envy is stronger than adulation, respect or admiration. The black slave, after receiving this indoctrination shall carry on and will become self re-fueling and self-generating for hundreds of years, maybe thousands.
Don't forget, you must pitch the old black versus the young black, and the young black male against the old black male. You must use the dark skin slaves versus the light skin slaves and the light skin slaves versus the dark skin slaves. You must use the female versus the male and the male versus the female. You must also have your white servants and overseers distrust all Blacks, but it is necessary that your slaves trust and depend on us. They must love, respect and trust only us.
Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control, use them. Have your wives and children use them, never miss an opportunity. My plan is guaranteed, and the good thing about this is that if used intensely for one year, the slaves themselves will remain perpetually distrustful.
Thank you gentlemen.
Are remnants of ol’ boy Willie’s methods still in use today? How many times have you heard someone say??..“so and so has “good hair”? What did that mean? “Good hair” being the closest thing to Caucasian hair? How about the observance that Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rica and Clarence Thomas “speaks well?” Speaks well a compared to whom? When OJ was on trial how many shades of the same picture did you detect? For me, it was easy to tell where each component of the media stood, as to his guilt or innocence, simply by the shade of that same picture seen over and over again. The darker the shading, the more “evil” the portrayal intended. How many of you have fallen victim to ol’ Willie’s “experiment”? 300 years later can we honestly say that we have overcome his instructions on that day centuries ago? It seems that his prediction I guarantee everyone of you that if installed correctly, it will control the slaves at least 300 years” was not so far off the mark!!
I pray that as you read the following, you will bear in mind ol’ Willie’s “instruction” to those who congregated to learn his “technique” of controlling you. I pray that you remember that the lesson was not simply learned by the whites attending this “riverside seminar” but was taught to whites and blacks alike throughout the centuries. The “lesson” is so skillfully ingrained into our psyches we forgot where it came from and accept it as the norm. I pray that we revisit our thinking, motives behind our actions and revise the manner by which we treat our brothers and sisters remembering that our “beliefs” may very well have been well-established before our birth.
Moving from hate to love, I recently read “Where Do We Go From Here?” a speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered in August 16, 1967, Annual Report Delivered at the 11th Convention of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, in which he addressed this issue. He stated: His ultimate aim was to bring the Negro into the mainstream of American life as quickly as possible”.
Where do we go from here? ( ) First, we must massively assert our dignity and worth. We must stand up amidst a system that still oppresses us and develop an unassailable and majestic sense of values. We must no longer be ashamed of being Black. The job of arousing manhood within a people that have been taught for so many centuries that they are nobody is not easy.
Even semantics have conspired to make that which is Black seem ugly and degrading. In Roget’s Thesaurus there are 120 synonyms for blackness and at least sixty of them are offensive, as for example, blot, soot, grime, devil and foul. And, there are some 134 synonyms for whiteness and all are favorable, expressed in such words as purity, cleanliness, chastity and innocence. A white lie is better than a black lie. The most degenerate member of a family is a ‘black sheep.’ Ossie Davis has suggested that maybe the English language should be reconstructed so that teachers will not be forced to teach the Black child sixty ways to despise himself, and thereby perpetuate his sense of inferiority, and the White child 134 to adore himself, and thereby perpetuate his false sense of superiority.
The tendency to ignore the Negro’s contribution to American life and to strip him of his personhood is as old as the earliest history books and as contemporary as the morning’s newspaper. To upset this homicide, the Negro must rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood. Any movement for the Negro’s freedom that overlooks this necessity is only waiting to be buried. As long as the mind is enslaved, the body can never be free. Psychological freedom a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery. No Lincolnian emancipation proclamation or Johnsonian civil rights bill can totally bring this kind of freedom. The Negro will only be free when he reaches down to the inner depths of his own being and signs with the pen and ink of assertive manhood his own emancipation proclamation. And, with a spirit straining toward true self-esteem, the Negro must boldly throw off the manacles of self-abnegation and say to himself and to the world, ‘I am somebody.’ I am a person. I am a man with dignity and honor. I have a rich and noble history.
How painful and exploited that history has been. Yes, I was a slave through my foreparents and I am not ashamed of that. I am ashamed of the people who were so sinful as to make me a ‘slave.’ Yes, we must stand up and say, ‘I’m Black and I’m beautiful,’ and this self affirmation is the Black man’s need, made compelling by the White man’s crimes against him.”
Catalogue Information
Googleonomics is a great and Simple to read! A Strong Buy! A must for media, mathematics, economists, authors, bloggers, vloggers, producers, entrepreneurs at heart. One tale after another that readers will enjoy. I give it a green light or five stars without a doubt.
A cataloguing record for this book is available from the Library and Archives at:
by Nate Perkins, LTC, (Ret) USA
538 pages; quality trade paperback (softcover); Includes images; catalogue #05-2800; ISBN 1-4120-7902-0; US$40.00, C$46.00, EUR32.86, £23.00
Thanks with Respect,
New Book Press Release
"Nate Perkins Live! We're At A Crossroad. Talk To Me."
Controversial Black TV/Radio Host Releases New Book and DVD Compilation
Nate Perkins' new release is entitled "Nate Perkins Live! We're At A Crossroad. Talk To Me."
Atlanta, GA ( - Nate Perkins Live! is a compilation of six talk radio shows, including a DVD of four commercials, an info-commercial and photographs of family, friends, military comrades and mentors, newspaper and magazine articles about Perkins, information technology and businesses he created.
The six talk shows entail Perkins' philosophy regarding education, employment, politics, the military and community. The BOOK is dedicated to the President of the United States, George W. Bush, and the Republican Party 2004. Nate Perkins is the most controversial TV/Radio host in Atlanta, Georgia.
"We're at a crossroad! Talk to me about the ways in which the Tom Joyner Morning Show degrades our parents, children, spouses, gays, military, employers, politicians, educators by making jokes about and laughing at the black community."
"We're at a crossroad! Talk to me about the limitations of sports being played by black men in the nation's schools, which fail to require academic excellence along with prowess on the football, basketball and baseball fields. Should we outlaw sports in order to get our children a better education?"
"We're at a crossroad! Talk to me about politics and military service. Why shouldn't we admire Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas and Condoleezza Rice, when they fulfill the Dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. and so many other African Americans who died for the right for people like them to be in positions of authority and power in the United States Government?"
"We're at a crossroad! Talk to me about information technology that is speeding so far ahead of the black community that dotes on sports superstars rather the education of young black men."
"We're at a crossroad! Talk to me about blacks that hide out in the black neighborhood as Democrats but vote Republican and share in the wealth of the community behind closed doors."
"We're at a crossroad! Talk to me about black entrepreneurs who discourage each other from hiring young blacks for fear of stealth, absenteeism and lackadaisical behavior."
About the Book
Nate Perkins Live! We're At A Crossroad. Talk To Me.
ISBN: 1-1420-3606-2 Perfect bound, 145 pages
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