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Thursday, January 31, 2008

BEVSMITHSHOW: with Dick Gregory's, About Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Dr. Condoleezza Rice...

Legendary comedian and civil rights activist, Dick Gregory's social satire changed the way white America perceived African-American comedians. His autobiography, Nigger, has sold over seven million copies. Gregory's activism during the civil rights movement paired him with such luminaries as Martin Luther King Jr. and Medgar Evers. He devoted much of his time to nonviolent protest with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), and was jailed many times for his dedication to the cause.
Brattleboro police ... arrest and detain George Bush and Richard Cheney in Brattleboro, if they are not duly impeached ...""
American Urban Radio Networks - The Nation's Only African-American ...
The Bev Smith Show The Bev Smith Show - the ONLY National African-American Nightly Talk Show. Bev Smith captures her audience with the latest news makers. ... - 22k
WAOK - The Bev Smith Show She's dedicated, popular, powerful and "Straight Up" blowing up talk formats as host of "The Bev Smith Show." Bev's American Urban Radio Networks' "Straight ... - 73k
Dick Gregory. Civil-Rights Leader ...
About Dick Gregory  Gregory continues protesting for the greater good, including conducting fasts and protests for fishermens' rights, ending hunger, and ending the drug problems in the United States. His lasting legacy will be one of nonviolence and his belief in social responsibily for all citizens of the planet.

DICK GREGORY The legendary Civil Rights Activist, Comedian, Author, Health Guru is captured in full form in South Central, LA. Gregory rants and raves and gets deeply philosophical on the subject of injustices committed to African Americans. Shot entirely in a Black health Club where he was invited to give a lecture on his famous "Bohemian Diet" (the diet is included in this tape). The video is raw and on fire; pure Gregory and a must for anyone who is looking for an entertaining expose on domestic conspiracy theories, the truth about the O.J. Simpson trial and dieting.

Dick Gregory's Speech Topic(s)
  • The World According to Dick Gregory: An Evening of Humor and Humanity
    Dick Gregory uses his social satire, humor and incredible wit to discuss his life as a civil rights activist and legendary comedian. He talks about his activism during the tumultuous 1960's and beyond, and what he continues to do to help people all over the world.
We Need a Good Whuppin -- November 2004
By James Clingman Jr.

0 No doubt you have memories of your parents giving you what we called a whuppin. You probably thought they were mean and didnt love you, right? Your parents, on the other hand, probably felt terrible too, even though you deserved that whuppin they didnt want to see you hurt, and they surely didnt want to be the ones to inflict the pain. Its the same way today with us as adult Black people. Our elders, which I have officially joined, as of August 2004, love us and do not want to see us hurt, but they need to give us a good whuppin every now and then.

In my frustration, not only after the voting irregularities in the 2004 election, I pulled out a cassette tape I bought four years ago, right after that last presidential selection. It was recorded by an elder whom I love and highly respect. His name is Kwa David Whitaker, of Cleveland, Ohio. The presentation on the tape is titled, The Wake Up Call. I am telling you right now, you must get a copy of this brothers discourse.

Brother Whitaker recorded his insightful, enlightening, and prophetic words in November 2000. He expertly weaved the Gore/Bush election scenario into an easy-to-understand football analogy, explained what position Black folks are in vis-à-vis the U.S. political system, and told us how to win, despite the system being stacked against us. When I first heard it, I called Kwa David and thanked him for turning out such a fantastic piece of communication to our people. I then bought several copies of the tape and gave them to others.

No one loves Black people more than Kwa David, but I know hed rather whup us than to see someone else do it. So, how about another one, Bro? I dont believe there has ever been a time that Black people in this country have been so dysfunctional, so apathetic, so gullible, so afraid, so irresolute, so unconcerned, so lemming-like, and so willing to capitulate to the whims and desires of every other group, while turning our backs on the interests and needs of our own people.

In Cincinnati, I see black folks selling their souls to an inept, corrupt, and biased political administration. I see them acquiesce to greedy power-hungry corporate executives, denying Black people even the slightest opportunity for collective economic advancement.

I have seen it all in this city, and it is getting worse. We have ignorant, cowering, volunteer-slave blacks who have been chosen to do the bidding of the establishment, and they do it with the pride and aplomb of a Colin Powell, Armstrong Williams, or Condoleezza Rice. No, let me make that Clarence Thomas.

Yes, we need a good whuppin, and I hope it starts right here in Cincinnati, Ohio, and moves out from here, because as Kweisi Mfume said in reference to the boycott of this city, this is ground zero. He also said, 'If [racial discrimination and mistreatment] are not solved here, they won't be solved anywhere. Tell that to Dick Gregory and Bev Smith, who are scheduled to break the boycott of Cincinnati, and all the other black entertainers who have already broken it. Good luck, Mfume.

Kwa Davids Wake Up call was apropos in 2000, and it is even more apropos in 2004, except now it must be accompanied by a good whuppin. Remember how you wouldnt get out of bed when your parents called you in the morning? Remember what happened when they stopped calling? They started whuppin you out of the bed Well, thats what we need now Brother Whitaker.

Whup us until we stop relying on weak, ignorant, uninformed talking heads on radio and television for our directional information. They are flunkies and lackeys, and will say whatever they think will put them in good stead with someone elses checkbook. Give me more of Tom Pope, Cliff Kelley, and other Black talk show hosts who are unafraid and will not compromise the economic future of their own people.

Whup us until we stop sitting back and taking the injustice of a racist police department, such as the one in Cincinnati. Whup us until we stop consenting to economic apartheid and exclusion, such as what we have in Cincinnati. Whup us until we no longer accept the corrupt voting systems, such as the ones we experienced in Cincinnati and around Ohio.

Whup us until we stand up like Black men and women and do what we must for ourselves and for our children. Whup us until we wake up, get up, stand up, and start fighting back. Until then, keep whuppin us because we need a good whuppin.

Please get a copy of Kwa David Whitakers Wake Up Call, and listen to it with your children and everyone else in your circle. If you contact me I will tell you how to get it. Meanwhile, ponder on the quote by Whitaker of Martin Delany: The liberty of no man is secure who controls not his own destiny; for people to be free, they must necessarily be their own rulers. Whup us, Brother Delany. Whup us, Kwa David. Click to Add to Favorites Click Here to Email this Article Click Here to Find Similar Articles Click Here to Print

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Atlanta's TV/Radio iReporter Host Nate Perkins: In my work with emerging leaders, I've discovered many ways in which marketers have totally missed the mark with Generation Y consumers by not acknowledging their motivators. So let me clue you in to the ways in which you can effectively connect with this growing market of savvy spenders. Generation Yers want to know that you care enough to find out what makes them tick.this generation of youth born after 1977 represents more than 70 million consumers in the United States.