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Friday, December 31, 2010

Nate Perkins Live: with Joining Forces for Change Demonstrating Innovation and Impact Through UN-Business Partnerships New World Coca-Cola


Nate Perkins Live: with Joining Forces for Change Demonstrating Innovation and Impact Through UN-Business Partnerships New World Coca-Cola

Nate Perkins Live: with Amit Srivastava CHALLENGING COCA-COLA's ATLANTA- CORPORATE: By Amit Srivastva Director Global Resistance   The Coca-Cola Company, the Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Foundation (UNF) & the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP).8

Providing Water and Sanitation in Tsunami Affected Areas

(Access to Water and Basic Services)

Factsheet on Coca-Cola (400 KB PDF)

Coca-Cola: Destruyendo Vidas, Modos de Vida y Comunidades

TAKE ACTION: Protest Coca-Cola's Violence in India!

University of Michigan Suspends Business with Coca-Cola

Another Major Rally Against Coca-Cola in India

Water Wars and Bottle Battles

Coca-Cola Threatens Top Indian Photographer with Lawsuit

Bhopal Survivors Draw Parallels to Coca-Cola Campaign

PRESS: Coca-Cola Led Commission Rejected by International Campaign Against Coca-Cola

PRESS: Coca-Cola Must Not Sponsor Live 8

Coca-Cola Placed on Probation By University of Michigan

India Resource Center Response to Wall Street Journal Article

How a Global Web of Activists Gives Coke Problems in India

Coca-Cola Pulling an 'Enron' by Not Reporting Liabilities in India

Images from November 2004 March Against Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola Challenged on Human Rights Abuses

PRESS: Coca-Cola Affected Community to Step Up Campaign, Despite Court Ruling

PRESS: Speaking Tour Launches Month of Action Against Coca-Cola

PRESS: Massive Support for Coca-Cola Campaign at World Social Forum

PRESS: Second Massive Protest Against Coca-Cola in India in New Year

PRESS: Over 500 March to Condemn Violence at Coca-Cola Protest in Mehdiganj

PRESS: Coca-Cola Greeted with Protest in New Year

PRESS: Police Attack Coca-Cola Protesters, Over 350 Arrested

Coke Spins Out of Control in India

March and Rally to Shut Down Coca-Cola Plants - Nov 15-24

Coca-Cola Lacks Fizz for Farmers in Mehdiganj

Rising Struggles, Falling Water

Coca-Cola Accountability Tour, UK

The ChallengeThe Challenge

The scale and scope of the December 26, 2004 tsunami tragedy presented a serious challenge to international and humanitarian agencies and prompted an outpouring of help from across the world, much of which came from the private sector. Coca-Cola was among many companies that quickly provided support. The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC), its bottling partners and employees contributed US$20 million to tsunami relief and recovery efforts, including both financial and in-kind donations such as bottled drinking water.

Actions Taken

TCCC contributed just over US$1 million of its direct cash support to the United Nations Foundation (UNF), which, along with the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP) helped to coordinate a partnership initiative with UNDP designed to build on the UNs post-tsunami recovery efforts in the region. The goal of the partnership was to support the long-term reconstruction effort with a focus on sustainable, community-based water and sanitation activities in remote, tsunami-affected areas of Thailand, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the Maldives. Both the UN and TCCC were also keen to have the companys involvement entail more than a simple cash contribution. For example, TCCC loaned one of its managers to the UNDP Regional Centre in Bangkok on a full-time basis for one year to help build and manage the partnership activities.

Additionally, TCCC and its bottling partners immediately used manufacturing capability for the large scale production of bottled drinking water and harnessed the distribution and logistics reach of its business system to meet the needs of local communities and various relief and government agencies in affected areas.

Benefits to Society

In the south of Thailand, the TCCC partnership is helping tsunami-affected communities on Lanta Island by funding and working with local villagers on a series of initiatives to ease water shortage problems. In the fishing community of Sanga-U, for example, ten check dams have been built along the village stream to collect and retain rainwater for use in more than 100 households. In Sri Lanka, the project serves two badly-hit areas of the country Kattankudi in the East and Kalupe in the South providing improved access to water and sanitation as well as building greater community awareness on water, sanitation and hygiene issues. The project in Indonesia provided the government with comprehensive hydro-geological data and mapping on freshwater resources in the Pidie and Sigli districts of Aceh. Building on this data, the project now provides safe and regular water supply and sanitation facilities to more than 7,000 villagers in this region of the country. On the isolated island of Dhambidhoo in the Maldives, meanwhile, the project is installing a sustainable sanitation system for all island residents, preventing further sewage-based pollution of the precious groundwater and local marine environment.

Benefits to the Company

The partnership project laid the foundation for a deeper strategic collaboration between Coca-Cola and the UN system around the world. In particular, shared efforts have evolved on the topic of water resource management an area of considerable focus for both organizations. TCCC and UNF have since launched The Global Water Challenge, an initiative meant to save lives and reduce suffering in developing countries by providing safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene education. In March 2006, TCCC became a signatory to the UN Global Compact and, later that year, initiated a pioneering, five-year regional partnership with UNDP in Eurasia and the Middle East to help local communities tackle water-related development challenges.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Powerful! Will You Stand Will Our Troops--American?

Poweful! Will You Stand With Our Troops--American? -- Benefiting the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard. - 40k

Who Will Carry The Military Veterans-Disabled Vote's?--In Nov 2008

Who Will Carry The Military Veterans Disabled Vote's--2008?

Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) (U.S. Department of ...
Veterans Benefits Administration is an organizational element of the US Department of Veterans Affairs. Site contains organizational information as well as ...
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Home Page
U.S. Capitol Building - Image, The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and a coalition of eight other national veterans organizations have called on Congress ... - 33k
Disabled Veterans -- Benefiting the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard. - 40k

Trailer: NO END IN SIGHT: Proceed to this site. US Veterans War

Trailer: NO END IN SIGHT: Proceed to this site.  US Veterans War
Dear Congressman: ( Click Proceed to this site. )
I want to personally invite you to see a new riveting documentary, NO END IN SIGHT, which chronicles the reasons behind Iraq's descent into guerilla war, warlord rule, criminality and anarchy. Based on over 200 hours of footage, the film provides a candid retelling of the events following the fall of Baghdad in 2003 by high ranking officials such as former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, Ambassador Barbara Bodine (in charge of Baghdad during the Spring of 2003), Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell, and General Jay Garner (in charge of the occupation of Iraq through May 2003), as well as Iraqi civilians, American soldiers and prominent analysts. NO END IN SIGHT examines the manner in which the principal errors of U.S. policy - the use of insufficient troop levels, allowing the looting of Baghdad, the purging of professionals from the Iraqi government and the disbanding of the Iraqi military - largely created the insurgency and chaos that engulf Iraq today.
By examining the mistakes of the Bush administration, you can help guide Congress in choosing the correct course of action.
NO END IN SIGHT is now playing at the E Street Cinema in Washington DC and across the country. Click here for a full theatre list –
Please see this essential film.Click on:  Proceed to this site.

The Dog Godfather (2008): Kingpin Sentence To Jail time--Michael Vick, PETA, Dogfighting!

The Dog Godfather (2008): Kingpin Sentence To Jail time--Michael Vick, Dogfighting!

PETA: Vick raised awareness of dogfighting 10 minutes ago
NEW YORK (AP) -- Now that Michael Vick has agreed to plead guilty to federal dogfighting conspiracy charges, animal advocates are hoping the NFL and others ...
Micheal Vicks world is crushing down around him. He is going to be discussing the option of getting ass raped, shanked and working in the laundry area at a soon to be name federal resort prison.
News results for Michael Vick - Dogs - .
NFL's Vick agrees plea deal in dog-fighting case - 1 hour ago
Photo: AP Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick agreed on Monday to plead guilty in a dog-fighting case that could wreck the star's football career. ...Sydney Morning Herald - 1565 related articles
Vick Dogs Facing Euthanization - Hartford Courant - 33 related articles
NFLs Vick Agrees Plea Deal In Dog-Fighting Case
Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick agreed on Monday to plead guilty in a dog-fighting case.

Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick agreed on Monday to plead guilty in a dog-fighting case that threatens to wreck the career of one of U.S. football's most dynamic stars.

A strong-armed quarterback and breakaway runner, the 27-year-old Vick is accused of helping to run an interstate dog-fighting enterprise known as "Bad Newz Kennels" from 2001 through April 2007.

Dogfighting, in which two dogs bred to fight are placed in a pit to attack each other for spectators' entertainment and gambling, is illegal in the United States.

Prosecutors charged that dogs sometimes fought to the death and some losing or underperforming dogs had been shot, drowned, hanged, electrocuted or killed by being slammed to the ground.

Vick had initially denied direct involvement in pit bull fights that an indictment said took place on his property in Virginia. He accepted the deal after associates agreed to cooperate with prosecutors under their own plea deals.

"Mr. Vick will be entering a plea of guilty next Monday at 10:30," U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson told a group of some 20 reporters at the federal courthouse in Richmond.

Michael Vick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMichael Dwayne Vick was born to Brenda Vick (16) and Michael Boddie (17) on June 26, 1980, in Newport News, Virginia, and was the second of four children. ... -

"No details of the plea agreement are publicly available at this time," added Hudson, who did not answer questions. Vick was not present, and the judge said the player would appear at the courthouse for the hearing next week.

Vick, one of the NFL's highest-paid players, could go to jail. Without a deal, the quarterback was likely to face a new indictment with more charges, legal sources had said.

Vick, the top pick in the 2001 NFL draft out of Virginia Tech, faced up to six years in prison and $350,000 in fines if convicted on all of the initial charges.

He was indicted by a federal grand jury on July 17. The NFL, its season due to start next month, barred the three-time Pro Bowl selection from training camp after the indictment.


In a statement issued on Monday, Vick's lead attorney, Billy Martin, said "Mr. Vick has agreed to enter a plea of guilty to those charges and to accept full responsibility for his actions and the mistakes he has made.

"Michael wishes to apologize again to everyone who has been hurt by this matter."

The NFL on Monday condemned Vick's conduct as outlined in the charges and said it was conducting its own review. The league has the right to add a further suspension beyond any jail time Vick may have to serve.

Purnell Peace, 35, and Quanis Phillips, 28, pleaded guilty last week before Judge Hudson to one count involving the dog-fighting ring, which prosecutors say was run from Vick's property in Virginia.

The judge set sentencing for the two men on Nov. 30.

The only other defendant, Tony Taylor, 34, pleaded guilty late last month and also agreed to cooperate with prosecutors in the case against Vick.

Vick, a rare talent who threw for 20 touchdowns and ran for more than 1,000 yards last season for the Falcons, lost major endorsements following his indictment. Nike suspended the release of a new Michael Vick shoe that had been set to hit stores this month and Reebok stopped selling his jerseys.

He has been heavily criticized in the media and by animal rights groups.

"We totally condemn the conduct outlined in the charges, which is inconsistent with what Michael Vick previously told both our office and the Falcons. We will conclude our own review under the league's personal conduct policy as soon as possible," the NFL said in a statement.

"In the meantime, we have asked the Falcons to continue to refrain from taking action pending a decision by the (NFL)commissioner."

Published: August 20, 2007 21:06
ESPN - Source: Vick a 'heavyweight' in dogfighting - NFL
Michael Vick's role in dog fighting's hidden society and a look at why some athletes ... Everybody in the dog world is worried about Michael Vick talking. ... - 66k -
From dog devouring to dog fighting: When Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick was indicted on charges related to dog fighting, oh man did I have an angry vegan moment: If this self-important, pampered star athlete were to be found guilty, I wanted him locked in a cage with a few dozen of the pit bulls he tortured and, welllet nature take its course. In retrospect, there might be a silver lining amid all this brutality and arrogance. Shining a light on the secretiveyet not small by any meansdog fighting community could be a small first step in creating the kind of popular groundswell needed to end this barbaric sport [sic] and Im not just talking about the NFL.

Michael Vick Test Positive For Marijuana [Sept 26, 2007]

Michael Vick tests positive for marijuana; judge imposes tighter ...
The Canadian Press -
Michael Vick is now likely one misstep from jail. The disgraced Atlanta Falcons quarterback tested positive for marijuana earlier this month, a violation of ...
See all stories on this topic
Michael Vick Tests Positive for Marijuana
By Dotspotter(Dotspotter)
Michael Vick is having a bad year and it just got worse. Vick was the poster boy for the NFL and was billed as the most exciting QB in the game. He has yet to live up to that hype and now will be facing federal dog fighting charges. ...
Dotspotter Featured News -
The Dog Godfather (2008): Kingpin Sentence To Jail time--Michael Vick ...
The Dog Godfather (2008): Kingpin Sentence To Jail time--Michael ...
The Dog Godfather (2008): Kingpin Sentence To Jail time--Michael Vick, Dogfighting! You watching NATE PERKINS LIVE:IPTV--Atlanta. PETA: Vick raised awareness of dogfighting 10 minutes ago NEW YORK (AP) -- Now that Michael Vick ...
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New video: Kingpin Sentence To Jail time--Michael Vick, PETA, Dogfighting
#1 Show:The Dog Godfather (2008): Kingpin Sentence To Jail time--Michael Vick, PETA, Dogfighting: 

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Sweet Jesus, RAPPER .50 Cent Gets $400mm For Water Video Ads

Sweet Jesus, RAPPER .50 Cent Gets $400mm For Water Video Ads
Sweet Jesus, I Hate Bill O'Reilly: .50 Cent gets $400mm.For Water Video Ads.
Friday, August 10, 2007 10:30 AM
Sweet Jesus, I Hate Bill O'Reilly, International

Aims to expose Bill O'Reilly as an ego-driven, biased individual who spreads fear, hate and misunderstanding. Includes news, commentary, anti-Factor gear, ...


Tyler Perry: Who's Who In Black Atlanta

NATEPERKINS.TV Count of St. Germain Episode (s): 44th President Barack Obama Speech at D. N. C.,

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cynthia Mckinney Run For Green Party President in 2008

 Cynthia McKinney Makes Green Party Overtures (McKinney-Nader 2008 ...Cynthia McKinney Makes Green Party Overtures (McKinney-Nader 2008 ticket?) yes Yes YES!!!!!! Please Santa!!! I havent been good this year, ... - 28k

Politics: Former Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney's Will Run For ...
By Nate Perkins(Nate Perkins)
Nate Perkins Live! Provides a good start-to-finish economics process to become... A must for media, mathematics, economists, authors, bloggers, vloggers, producers, entrepreneurs at heart. One tale after another that readers will enjoy: ...
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Cynthia McKinney on American Blackout, stolen elections ...
Cynthia McKinney on American Blackout, ... 45 min - Jul 18 ...
Watch video - 45 min - Rated 4.5 out of 5.0
Cynthia McKinney for President 2008 Green Party?
Cynthia McKinney for President 2008 Gre... 38 min - Jun 10 ...
Watch video - 38 min - Rated 4.5 out of 5.0
Politics:  Former Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney's Will Run For Republican SeatBlack Republican Will Challenge Cynthia McKinney -- 06/16/2006Black Republican Will Challenge Cynthia McKinney By Nathan Burchfiel Staff Writer June 16, 2006 ( - A little known African American ... -American Blackout - Official Site. Order DVD and Watch Clips ...AMERICAN BLACKOUT director Ian Inaba announces his new campaign to docuement the 2006 elections. inspires over 1000 citizen journalists to ... - 14k -Cynthia McKinney For CongressCynthia McKinney represents backbone in politics. Leadership with courage and integrity. - 30k -Black Republican Will Challenge Cynthia McKinney -- 06/16/2006Black Republican Will Challenge Cynthia McKinney By Nathan Burchfiel Staff Writer June 16, 2006 ( - A little known African American ... -

Black Republican Will Challenge Cynthia McKinney
By Nathan Burchfiel Staff Writer
June 16, 2006

( - A little known African American woman announced Thursday that she will try to unseat Georgia Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who has been mired in controversy since she struck a U.S. Capitol policeman in the chest with her closed fist.

Catherine Davis, a human resources manager who has never held elected office, said she is running because McKinney's "dismal legislative record and her outrageous behavior are an embarrassment to the hard-working folks in my district." McKinney represents Georgia's 4th Congressional District.

Davis is conservative. She favors a strict approach to immigration reform - the immediate securing of the borders and deportation of illegal residents, privatizing Social Security, Health Savings Accounts, school vouchers and the Fair Tax, which would eliminate the federal income tax and establish a federal sales tax.

McKinney was first elected to the U.S. House in 1992 to represent Georgia's heavily Democratic 11th District. The district was redrawn by order of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1995 and McKinney was elected in the new, but still heavily Democratic 4th District in 1996. She lost her seat in 2002 when she was beaten in a Democratic primary, but when the winner then attempted a bid for the U.S. Senate in 2004, McKinney recaptured her old seat.

Davis said she believes the district is ready for change after the controversy that has swirled around McKinney.

A spokesman for McKinney did not return calls requesting comment Thursday.

Thursday, August 30, 2007
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Review: "Martin Luther King, Jr Was A Republican"
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FBI Spied: on Coretta Scott King after MLK's Death (2008)

NATEPERKINS.TV: The New World Coca-Cola Tour Happiness-Factory Theater Downtown Atlanta

Syndicate "Nate Perkins Live: IPTV Show" - Colin Powell endorses Obama (CNN) -- Former Secretary of State Colin Powell announced ...
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Nate --

A record 100,000 people rallied with Barack in St. Louis yesterday, and another 75,000 in Kansas City last night. Back in Chicago, we were tallying up our latest fundraising numbers.

Supporters like you have completely transformed how political campaigns raise money, so I wanted you to be the first to know how we did in September.

I recorded a short video to share the latest numbers:

Watch the video

When Barack entered this race, he put his faith in the power of ordinary supporters like you coming together and building a movement for change from the bottom up.

That's exactly how we got this far -- and you should feel proud of all we have accomplished together.

But with just 16 days left in this election, we can't slow down now. Please take a minute to watch the video and find out where we stand:

Thanks for everything you're doing,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


Paid for by Obama for America

NATEPERKINS.TV: American's Poor Class Making $6.50 Per hour ...
I think he is a transformational figure," Powell said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "Obama displayed a steadiness. Showed intellectual vigor. He has a definitive way of doing business that will do us well," Powell said. ...
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NATEPERKINS.TV: American's Poor Class Making $6.50 Per hour ...
I think he is a transformational figure," Powell said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "Obama displayed a steadiness. Showed intellectual vigor. He has a definitive way of doing business that will do us well," Powell said. ...
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Colin Powell endorses Obama
(CNN) -- Former Secretary of State Colin Powell announced Sunday that he will be voting for Sen. Barack Obama, citing the Democrat's "ability to inspire" and the "inclusive nature of his campaign."  "He has both style and substance. I think he is a transformational figure," Powell said on NBC's "Meet the Press."  "Obama displayed a steadiness. Showed intellectual vigor. He has a definitive way of doing business that will do us well," Powell said.   Powell, a retired U.S. general and a Republican, was once seen as a possible presidential candidate himself.
Powell said he questioned Sen. John McCain's judgment in picking Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate because he doesn't think she is ready to be president.  He also said he was disappointed with som e of McCain's campaign tactics, such as bringing up Obama's ties to former 1960s radical Bill Ayers.  Powell served as secretary of state under President Bush from 2001 to 2005.  The notion of a Powell endorsement has been rumored for several months.  On August 13, Powell's office denied a report on Fox by commentator Bill Kristol that Powell had decided to publicly back Obama at the Democratic National Convention.  Several sources said at the time that Powell had not made a decision about a possible endorsement.
"As always, he is holding his cards close and waiting for more information," one adviser told CNN's John King in August.  Powell himself brushed off queries on any potential presidential nod but told ABC News on August 13 that he would not be going to Denver, Colorado, for the convention.
"I do not have time to waste on Bill Kristol's musings," he said. "I am not going to the convention. I have made this clear."  In Febr uary, Powell told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that he was weighing an endorsement of a Democratic or independent candidate.  "I am keeping my options open at the moment," Powell said.  "I have voted for members of both parties in the course of my adult life. And as I said earlier, I will vote for the candidate I think can do the best job for America, whether that candidate is a Republican, a Democrat or an independent," he added.
Powell has offered praise for Obama, calling him an "exciting person on the political stage."  "He has energized a lot of people in America," said Powell, who briefly weighed his own run for the White House in the mid-1990s. "He has energized a lot of people around the world. And so I think he is worth listening to and seeing what he stands for."  Powell's adviser has said that "he likes and admires John McCain, and that would be a factor in anything he does if he decides to get more involved."  Another source close to Powell said he has known the Republican nominee for more than three decades "and likes him and is looking for a reason to vote for him. He hasn't found it yet."  The former general, who has largely steered clear of politics since leaving the Bush administration, noted that the next president will need to work to restore America's standing in the world.  Powell gave the keynote address at the Republican National Convention in support of George W. Bush in 2000.  "I will ultimately vote for the person I believe brings to the American people the kind of vision the American people want to see for the next four years," he said. "A vision that reaches out to the rest of the world, that starts to restore confidence in America, that starts to restore favorable ratings to America. Frankly, we've lost a lot in recent years."  Powell's adviser also said at the time that the vice presidential picks for both candidates would be a major factor in his decision, both for the quality of each man's running mate and for what sort of "signal that choice sends about the character and judgment of the candidate."  He also said that a Powell decision to back Obama would not be a surprise.


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Rapper T.I. arrested, later wins 2 BET awards - USATODAY.comGrammy-winning rapper TI was arrested just hours before he was to take the stage at the BET Hip-Hop Awards after federal officials said he had paid his ... - 49k - Cached - Similar pages
ATLANTA (AP) Grammy-winning rapper T.I. was arrested just hours before he was to take the stage at the BET Hip-Hop Awards after federal officials said he had paid his bodyguard to buy machine guns and silencers for him.

The self-proclaimed King of the South, who was up for nine nominations, won two awards. But he couldn't accept any trophies or make the planned performance after being arrested by federal authorities early Saturday.

T.I. was taken into custody in a shopping center parking lot where federal officials said he planned to pick up machine guns and silencers he had his bodyguard buy for him.

The arrest Saturday resulted from an investigation that began this month when a federal firearms licensee contacted the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives about a man inquiring about buying a machine gun without registering the weapon as required by law, according to a criminal complaint filed Saturday in U.S. District Court in Atlanta.

After trying to buy several machine guns from an undercover ATF agent, the unnamed person began cooperating with the government and said he was buying the machine guns and silencers for Clifford Harris, T.I.'s given name, the complaint said. According to the bodyguard, he had bought about nine firearms for T.I., and the rapper had given him cash to buy guns four different times, it said.

FIND MORE STORIES IN:Atlanta | Awards | Kanye West | Hip-hop | Outkast | TI | Clifford Harris

Harris brokered the deals through the bodyguard because he is a convicted felon, the complaint alleged. It is against federal law for a convicted felon to have another person get firearms on their behalf.

The 27-year-old rapper had arranged to pick up the weapons just hours before he was to take the stage at the Hip-Hop Awards, being taped blocks away, according to the complaint.

Sydney Margetson, a spokesman for T.I.'s label, Atlantic Records, declined to comment Saturday.

As the Hip-Hop Awards were being taped in Atlanta on Saturday night, federal authorities were searching T.I.'s home in East Point, about 15 miles southwest of the city.

Half a dozen agents were still searching well into the night, removing boxes and envelopes from the large, red brick house with white columns and ornate glass windows, removing boxes and envelopes.

T.I. had been expected to perform at the BET show, which is to be broadcast Wednesday, and was nominated in nine categories. Instead, the rapper was noticeably absent from red carpet festivities before the show began at 6 p.m., though he was at the center where the show was to be taped.

Saturday was supposed to be a day of revelry for T.I., the co-chief executive of Grand Hustle Records. The self-proclaimed King of the South won three awards at last year's inaugural BET Hip-Hop Awards and received nine nominations this year, including CD of the Year, Lyricist of the Year and MVP of the Year.

Even though the Atlanta-based rapper was present at the Civic Center, where the event was held, he became noticeably absent from the red carpet festivities before the show.

The news of T.I. being arrested rippled throughout the event. Rapper KRS-One, who received BET's "I am Hip Hop" Icon Award, learned about the raid just before he showed up.

KRS-One, whose real name is Lawrence Parker, said the fellow rapper's legal woes should not reflect on the industry as a whole.

"I'm saddened anytime I hear of a hip-hopper being locked up or somehow stunted in his life or his growth," he told The Associated Press. "I hope he wasn't into nothing crazy."

Chicago rapper Common, who won the CD of the year award along with T.I., tried to lend his support.

"I salute my guy T.I., who also won, wherever he is," said Common, while raising up his trophy. He also won lyricist of the year.

Other artists who were supposed to perform with T.I. still pulled off the performance. As Wyclef Jean stood on stage to enact T.I.'s song, "You Know What It Is," host and comedian Katt Williams pranced across the stage dressed like T.I. trying to impersonate him as the crowd burst into laughter.

Alfamega still took the stage with Busta Rhymes for the song "Hurt." As the two rapped, many of the audience members stood seemingly puzzled at T.I.'s absence.

Kanye West was a winner in two categories best live performance and hip-hop video. After West got his trophy for best hip-hop video, he said he thought the video for UGK's "International Players," featuring OutKast, should have been chosen over his.

"I didn't deserve this award above them. They do instead of me," said West, who is typically known more for comments that critics call arrogant.

But Big Boi of OutKast returned the favor to West by giving him the award back saying, "You worked too hard for this. No, you deserve it."

The Hip Hop Awards will air on Oct. 17.

T.I.'s sixth album, T.I. vs. T.I.P., was released July 3 and debuted at No. 1.

In May 2006, T.I.'s best friend, Philant Johnson, was killed and three others were injured in a gun shootout after a post-performance party in Cincinnati. The killer remains at large, and T.I. was briefly locked up a few days after the funeral on suspicion of failing to perform community service stemming from a 2003 arrest.

T.I. grew up in Atlanta and was selling crack by the time he was a teenager. After years of hustling to launch his rap career, recording demos and flying back and forth to New York shopping for a record deal, his first taste of success came with his 2003 album, Trap Muzik.

But the next year, warrants were issued for his arrest on probation violations for a drug conviction, and he was sentenced to three years behind bars. It wasn't clear Saturday how much of the sentence he actually served.

T.I. hit the big screen in his debut movie, ATL, in March 2006. He has a role opposite Academy Award winners Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe in American Gangster, set for release Nov. 2.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Michael Eric DysonDr. Michael Eric Dyson is the author of Is Bill Cosby Right? Or Has the Black Middle Class Lost Its Mind?; The Michael Eric Dyson Reader; Open Mike; ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages
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