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NATEPERKINS.TV: Swarovski-crystal Inaugural Hat that Aretha Franklin Wore for her Inauguration Performance has run out of... The Milliner who designed the now-famous bow-tied Hat.

NATEPERKINS.TV: Swarovski-crystal inaugural hat that Aretha Franklin wore for her inauguration performance has run out of... The milliner who designed the now-famous bow-tied Hat.
Atlanta, (GA) USA JANUARY 23, 2009 NATEPERKINS.TV: vIDEO RELEASE News, President Barack Obama Inaugural Live NEWSROOM coverage. Washington, DCU.S. Swarovski-crystal inaugural hat that Aretha Franklin wore for her inauguration performance has run out of... The milliner who designed the now-famous bow-tied. Few people covered their heads that day, despite the cold. But the Queen of Soul did. She reached back to her gospel roots and adorned herself as if for church, topping her outfit with a dove-gray wool chapeau, dominated by a giant bow set off at a jaunty angle and ringed in sparkling Swarovski crystals. Aretha Franklin to wear during the Inauguration.
News results for aretha franklin hat inauguration obama

Aretha Franklins church hat in high demand - 5 hours ago
The milliner who designed the now-famous bow-tied, Swarovski-crystal inaugural hat that Aretha Franklin wore for her inauguration performance has run out of ...
January 23, 2009, 6:52 pm Lasting Buzz Over Aretha Franklins Hat By Katharine Q. Seelye
Luke Song with Aretha Franklin's hatLuke Song with a replica of the hat he designed for Aretha Franklin to wear during the Inauguration. (Paul Sancya/Associated Press)

While the fashion-conscious were focused on Michelle Obama on Inauguration Day, it was Aretha Franklin who pulled off the most unexpected sartorial coup.

Few people covered their heads that day, despite the cold. But the Queen of Soul did. She reached back to her gospel roots and adorned herself as if for church, topping her outfit with a dove-gray wool chapeau, dominated by a giant bow set off at a jaunty angle and ringed in sparkling Swarovski crystals.

The hat was an instant sensation. Even before Ms. Franklin had finished singing My Country, Tis of Thee on the inaugural podium, calls began pouring in to her hat designer, Luke Song, 36, of Mr. Song Millinery in Detroit, Ms. Franklins home town.

Aretha Franklin at the inaugurationAretha Franklin performed at the inauguration on Tuesday. (Ron Edmonds/Associated Press)

A lot of my clients know my signature style, and they knew instantly that it was my hat, Mr. Song said in a telephone interview Friday. They called to verify it, and then they just started screaming at the top of their lungs.

Asked to define that style, he said he couldnt quite put it in words, except to say that he liked hats that frame the face.

The calls overwhelmed him, he said, and before long there were reporters asking for interviews as word of the hat went viral. It was still a current topic on television three days after the inaugural, discussed on The View and mocked by Jon Stewart and Ellen DeGeneres.

And Mr. Song has been flooded with hat orders, creating an instant backlog of three to four weeks.

But what he is selling is a similar design to The Hat, which he designed specifically for Ms. Franklin with her help not an exact duplicate.

Her particular hat, I will not sell a copy, even if someone offers me a million dollars, he said. I have to keep it exclusive to her. I made it for her.

If he did make any exact duplicates, they would cost more than $500 apiece, he said; the near-replicas, which will use different fabric (satin ribbon, held together with horsehair) and smaller bows, are being sold for $179. (He did not charge Ms. Franklin anything for hers.)

The story line of a small family hat shop suddenly put on the map by a superstar is a romantic one, but it doesnt quite fit the facts, Mr. Song said. Yes, his business started small, in a store opened by his mother, an immigrant from South Korea, in 1982. But Ms. Franklin has been a customer for two decades, and the business long ago outgrew the store: Mr. Song, who studied at the Parsons School of Design in New York and first thought he wanted to become a painter, dropped out after two years to return home and transform the business into a sizeable garment and millinery supplier, Moza Inc.

It started out as a store, and now that is only about 5 percent of our operation, said Mr. Song, who is chief executive of Moza. Our main operation is wholesale manufacturing and distributing. We ship our products to about 500 boutiques, most of them in the United States, and do a lot of private labeling, particularly with womens suits and dresses, though the Mr. Song Millinery name is still on the companys own label, and on the sign over its door. Most of his clientele is African-American women, and most of them buy outfits for church.

Theres still some magic in the story for Mr. Song, though. Since Tuesday, he said, the Detroit office has not been able to handle the load of hat orders, so they are being run through his agents in Dallas.

The order numbers exceed what we can physically make, he said. Our vendors say the clients cant wait three or four weeks, so some of them are just buying up our inventory, just so they can have the label. Im in disbelief of whats going on.

Mr. Song said that he had been having a strong season even before the Inauguration, despite the sour economy. His theory is that while customers are scaling back on buying clothes generally, they are still buying hats, because a new hat can change the look of an outfit for less money than a whole new ensemble would cost.

So the season was phenomenal, he said. This was icing on the cake. But it is a life-changing event.

NATEPERKINS.TV: Senator Feinstein Statement on Incidents at 56th Presidential Inaugural Ceremony ( Silver Ticket Holders Standing at the Blue Gate Side) 

21 January, 2009 Washington, (D.C.) NATEPERKINS.TV: vIDEO RELEASE News, President Barack Obama Inaugural Live NEWSROOM coverage. Washington, DCU.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chairman of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, today issued the following statement in response to reports of incidents which prevented a large number of ticketholders from reaching their designated areas at the 56th Presidential Inaugural Ceremony:

Following is Senator Feinsteins statement:

I have just spoken with Mark Sullivan, Director of the Secret Service, and I have asked him to convene along with the U.S. Capitol Police, all law enforcement and other parties involved in planning for this Inaugural to conduct a prompt investigation into two serious incidents that have been reported. These reports have prompted great concern by members of the Inaugural Committee, including Senator Bob Bennett, and by Congress in general.

The specific incidents include the report that a decision was made to cut off access to Purple and Blue standing areas, which meant that a large number of ticketholders could not reach their designated areas.

I am also aware of the incident involving the 3rd Street Tunnel, where thousands of people were stuck for several hours and apparently without any law enforcement presence.

There may have also been other irregularities, but I have heard enough to know that something went wrong and we need to find out what happened. Mr. Sullivan has indicated that he will provide a full report.

I would encourage people who have direct information about these incidents to contact the Secret Service, in addition to contacting the Joint Congressional Committee for Inaugural Ceremonies at

Howard University "Call to Chapel" For information, please call the Chapel office at (202) 806-7280 We're saved the best of the Rev. Dr. Wright's  sermon for last ...go to NATEPERKINS.TV and find it's
NATEPERKINS.TV: Called Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright Sermon on Sunday at Howard University "The Most Powerful Sermon in the 211-year history of this country" AMEN-- LIVE at Inauguration History
20 January, 2009 Washington, (D.C.) NATEPERKINS.TV: News, President Barack Obama Inaugural Live NEWSROOM coverage. Reporting from Howard University-The Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel with Dr. Bernard L. Richardson, Dean of the Chapel. and the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright Pastor Emeritus, Trinity United Church of Christ, Chigago, IL. On Sunday, January 18, 2009 at 11:00 A. M., Rev. Dr. Wright's this morning gave this sermon in 48 hours before 500,000 of people (NATEPERKINS.TV) that traveled from around the world to here the Pastor to pearch the word of God for one of his on little-sheep (former parishioner) President-Elect Barack Obama, in hours, in which, will become, the 44th Preident of the United States of America. One person came from Atlanta, GA and stated "I have waited for all the years my life of 62+ years to come and an to enjoy in the wonderfully moment". To go: check out more Inauguration story. President Obama's Inauguration Speech,

WASHINGTON, Jan. 18, 2009 In a sermon today at Howard University's chapel in Washington, Wright used Obama's life as an example to show how despite challenges as a nation, the country can build a better future.

"He was able to do what nobody of African decent was ever able to do in the 211-year history of this country. ... The Lord stepped into his story and gave him a new attitude," he said.

It was a completely different scene from Wright's defiant appearance at the National Press Club in April. Gone was any hint of anger directed at Obama for denouncing his more controversial sermons and statements, which became fodder for Obama's critics during the presidential campaign.

News results for jeremiah wright

Exclusive: Wright Sings 'Proud' Tune on Obama in DC Pulpit Then ... - Jan 18, 2009
Jeremiah Wright may have made his peace with the former parishioner he once ... Jeremiah Wright, former pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in ...

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright may have made his peace with the former parishioner he once suggested turned on him for political gain, President-elect Barack Obama, but in an exclusive interview, he showed he's still furious with the media, who he called "evil," and said he's "not going to kiss anybody's behind."

PHOTO Rev. Jeremiah Wright, former pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois, addresses the National Press Club in Washington, DC, in this file photo.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright, former pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois, addresses the National Press Club in Washington, DC, in this file photo.
(Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

NATEPERKINS.TV: Interview D.C. Police Officer Sean Wilson In Protecting The President Barack H. Obama During Inauguration

NATEPERKINS.TV: Interview D.C. Police Officer Sean Wilson In Protecting The President Barack H. Obama During Inauguration
Atlanta, (GA) USA JANUARY 24, 2009 NATEPERKINS.TV: vIDEO RELEASE News, President Barack Obama Inaugural Live NEWSROOM coverage. Washington, DCU.S. Interview D.C. Police Officer Sean Wilson In Protecting The President Barack H. Obama During Inauguration. Local community channels, like NATEPERKINS.TV, now enable content from virtually any origin to be broadcast over broadband, allowing people around the globe to access content through PCs and TV sets, using broadband-connected set-top boxes. Indeed, thousands of new channels are available through the VEHDA HD+80.
vIDEO RELEASE News: Businesses previously unable to advertise on TV due to the high cost now have a way to advertise at a budget that is more like advertising in the local paper and can geo-target their advertising to reach the audience that matters - the locals, regardless of geographical location. Niche channels from sky diving to scuba diving, football to volleyball and from every language in the world, are able to broadcast through this rapidly growing global service.

Imagine running a global TV channel with no barriers and no frontiers. The time is now stated Mr. Perkins!

NATEPERKINSTV LIVE | ChannelME.TV Browse .TV channels featuring videos tagged "NATEPERKINSTV LIVE. ... NATEPERKINSTV MOGULUS. NATEPERKINSTV TEE VEE. NATEPERKINSTV: Progressive Poli. News Videos ... | Nate Perkins Live [TV] Channel Broadcasting ... Watch free videos on Now Playing: Atlanta ... NATEPERKINSTV MOGULUS. NATEPERKINS.TV BLIP.TV. NATEPERKINSTV TEE VEE. NATEPERKINSTV LIVE ... | Nate Perkins Live [TV] Channel Broadcasting ... Watch free videos on Now Playing: ... NATEPERKINSTV MOGULUS. NATEPERKINS.TV BLIP.TV. NATEPERKINSTV TEE VEE. NATEPERKINSTV LIVE ... | Nate Perkins Live [TV] Channel Broadcasting ... Watch free videos on Now Playing: NATEPERKINS. ... NATEPERKINSTV MOGULUS. NATEPERKINS.TV BLIP.TV. NATEPERKINSTV TEE VEE. NATEPERKINSTV LIVE ...
News results for aretha franklin hat inauguration obama

Aretha Franklins church hat in high demand - 5 hours ago
The milliner who designed the now-famous bow-tied, Swarovski-crystal inaugural hat that Aretha Franklin wore for her inauguration performance has run out of ...
January 23, 2009, 6:52 pm Lasting Buzz Over Aretha Franklins Hat By Katharine Q. Seelye
Luke Song with Aretha Franklin's hatLuke Song with a replica of the hat he designed for Aretha Franklin to wear during the Inauguration. (Paul Sancya/Associated Press) | Nate Perkins Live [TV] Channel Broadcasting ... Watch free videos on Now Playing: ... NATEPERKINSTV MOGULUS. NATEPERKINS.TV BLIP.TV. NATEPERKINSTV TEE VEE. NATEPERKINSTV LIVE ... | Nate Perkins Live [TV] Channel Broadcasting ... Watch free videos on Now Playing: ... NATEPERKINSTV MOGULUS. NATEPERKINS.TV BLIP.TV. NATEPERKINSTV TEE VEE. NATEPERKINSTV LIVE ... | Nate Perkins Live [TV] Channel Broadcasting ... Watch free videos on Now Playing: ... NATEPERKINSTV MOGULUS. NATEPERKINS.TV BLIP.TV. NATEPERKINSTV TEE VEE. NATEPERKINSTV LIVE ... | Nate Perkins Live [TV] Channel Broadcasting ... Watch free videos on Now Playing: ... NATEPERKINSTV MOGULUS. NATEPERKINS.TV BLIP.TV. NATEPERKINSTV TEE VEE. NATEPERKINSTV LIVE ...
News results for jeremiah wright

Exclusive: Wright Sings 'Proud' Tune on Obama in DC Pulpit Then ... - Jan 18, 2009
Jeremiah Wright may have made his peace with the former parishioner he once ... Jeremiah Wright, former pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in ...

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright may have made his peace with the former parishioner he once suggested turned on him for political gain, President-elect Barack Obama, but in an exclusive interview, he showed he's still furious with the media, who he called "evil," and said he's "not going to kiss anybody's behind."

PHOTO Rev. Jeremiah Wright, former pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois, addresses the National Press Club in Washington, DC, in this file photo.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright, former pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois, addresses the National Press Club in Washington, DC, in this file photo.
(Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

NATEPERKINS.TV: Atlanta Journal-Constitution Inauguration Newspaper Endorses Former Pres Bush On Front-Page Cover, Not President Obama

Atlanta, (GA) On Wednesday, January 21, 2009  NATEPERKINS.TV: vIDEO RELEASE News,Inauguration Newspaper, due to the public out cry, NATEPERKINS.TV visited to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) Headquarters, 72 Marietta, St. N. W. Atlanta, GA., to CONDUCT interview with the AJC Newspaper Publisher Editors: Doug Franklin or Julia Wallace, in reference to the inauguration story not putting the new President Barack Obama inaugural coverage and photos published on the Front-page of AJC newspaper. Watched the Atlanta Journal-Constitution trying to sell the newspaper...vIDEO RELEASE News.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC): Racism and Bigotry News Coverage Stories, the large newspaper in the South, the home of the Civil Rights Movement, the home of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the home of the Dean of Civil Rights Rev. Dr. Joseph Lowery , the aged icon of the civil rights movement, punctuated the inauguration of President Barack H. Obama in front of millions on Tuesday with the 56th Inaugural Benediction and the frist black president of The United States Of America did not make the AJC Newspaper front-cover page.  
Few cities in America have a daily newspaper that has published continuously for more than 100 years. Why the back of President Obama's head is on the front-page and his Inauguration coverage inside the newspaper? WoW! See NATEPERKINS.TV on site visit to AJC...the newspaper kicked him out of the building.
...For Democrats, Obama the pick The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 01/20/08 According to a recent Gallup poll, almost three out of four Americans are dissatisfied with how things are going in our country, with just 24 percent believing we're headed in the right direction. The deep discontent reflected in those numbers have made Democrats optimistic about their party's chances of electing one of their own to the White House in November.

Different moments in history require different types of leaders, and part of the art of picking a president is matching the person to the challenge and to the time. So while both Clinton and Obama would make very good presidents, Obama is the person; this is his time. Jay Bookman and Cynthia Tucker for the editorial board

Jan 13, 2009 ... Atlanta Journal Constitution. Newspaper in Atlanta, Georgia USA covering local news. At Mondo Times, the worldwide media guide with 21193 ...
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is the only major daily newspaper in Atlanta, Georgia, USA and its suburbs. The AJC, as it is called, is the flagship ... Show map of 72 Marietta St NW, Atlanta, GA 30303
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NATEPERKINS.TV: Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright Historic Inaugural SERMON - Washington, D.C. LIVE!

NATEPERKINS.TV: The Rev.  Dr. Jeremiah Wright Historic Inaugural SERMON of Pres-Elect Barack Obama Before Sworn-In as The 44th President of the  United States of America - Howard University-The Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel
20 January, 2009 Washington, (D.C.) NATEPERKINS.TV: News, President Barack Obama Inaugural Live NEWSROOM coverage. Reporting from Howard University-The Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel with Dr. Bernard L. Richardson, Dean of the Chapel. and the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright Pastor Emeritus, Trinity United Church of Christ, Chigago, IL. On Sunday, January 18, 2009 at 11:00 A. M., Rev. Dr. Wright's this morning gave this sermon in 48 hours before 500,000 of people (NATEPERKINS.TV) that traveled from around the world to here the Pastor to pearch the word of God for one of his on little-sheep (former parishioner) President-Elect Barack Obama, in hours, in which, will become, the 44th Preident of the United States of America. One person came from Atlanta, GA and stated "I have waited for all the years my life of 62+ years to come and an to enjoy in the wonderfully moment". To go: check out more Inauguration story. President Obama's Inauguration Speech,

WASHINGTON, Jan. 18, 2009 In a sermon today at Howard University's chapel in Washington, Wright used Obama's life as an example to show how despite challenges as a nation, the country can build a better future.

"He was able to do what nobody of African decent was ever able to do in the 211-year history of this country. ... The Lord stepped into his story and gave him a new attitude," he said.

It was a completely different scene from Wright's defiant appearance at the National Press Club in April. Gone was any hint of anger directed at Obama for denouncing his more controversial sermons and statements, which became fodder for Obama's critics during the presidential campaign.

News results for jeremiah wright

Exclusive: Wright Sings 'Proud' Tune on Obama in DC Pulpit Then ... - Jan 18, 2009
Jeremiah Wright may have made his peace with the former parishioner he once ... Jeremiah Wright, former pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in ...

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright may have made his peace with the former parishioner he once suggested turned on him for political gain, President-elect Barack Obama, but in an exclusive interview, he showed he's still furious with the media, who he called "evil," and said he's "not going to kiss anybody's behind."

PHOTO Rev. Jeremiah Wright, former pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois, addresses the National Press Club in Washington, DC, in this file photo.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright, former pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Illinois, addresses the National Press Club in Washington, DC, in this file photo.
(Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

NATEPERKINS.TV: the film, entitled Barack Obama: People’s President

NATEPERKINS.TV: the film, entitled Barack Obama: Peoples PresidentATLANTA, (GA) Febuary 1, 2009. NATEPERKINS.TV: Inauguration TV coverage schedule and times --Negotiations have started with South African and United States TV networks for the broadcast rights to the film, entitled Barack Obama: Peoples President.They have been working against the clock to get it out as soon as possible after the election, and a spokesperson for Singh said last night that they hoped to tell South African audiences later this week which TV channel had won the rights.It was mainly shot in America and includes an interview with Obama himself - but there are also interviews with political leaders like South Africas Desmond Tutu and Ahmed Kathrada, who took Obama on a visit to Robben Island. It includes previously unseen footage and interviews.Obama South African Documentary

Acclaimed Durban movie producer, Anant Singh, was in America on election day when Barack Obama was declared the president-elect - and decided then and there to make a documentary.

All he is waiting for is the final footage of historic inauguration when the world will watch the countrys first black president being sworn in.

NATEPERKINS.TV: Ticket Broker Pelsio; Show Patriotism Printed 250,000 tickets

WASHINGTON (D.C.) -- January 18, 2009. NATEPERKINS.TV:  LIVE coverage with The government has printed 250,000 tickets so far, holding them in a secure location. NATEPERKINS.TVWith Two Tickets to The PRESIDENT Barack H. Obama's Inauguration on Jan. 20, 2009. For information on how to get one, check out Interest in President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration is running so high that one ticket broker is asking $20,095.00 for a single ticket. The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies has finally put out a press release about how to go about getting tickets to Barack Obama's inauguration on Jan. 20, 2009. Here's what the release says:
Tickets to the 56th Inaugural Ceremonies will be provided free of charge and distributed through Members of the 111th Congress. The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies does not provide tickets to the public. Members of the public interested in attending the Inaugural Ceremonies should contact their Member of Congress or U.S. Senators to request tickets.

The public should also be aware that no website or other ticket outlet actually has inaugural swearing-in tickets to sell, regardless of what they may claim. Tickets will not be distributed to Congressional offices until the week before the inauguration and will require in-person pick-up.
If you are traveling by train in and out of Washington, D.C., on Jan. 20, 2009, make sure you check Amtraks website for a list of news, tips and ticket policies specific to Inauguration Day.
Please Note: The 2009 Inauguration of Barack Obama has passed. Although outdated now, the information on this site will stay online until the next Presidential Inauguration in 2013.
Obama inauguration tickets fetching 5 figures online -
The government has printed 250,000 tickets so far for Barack Obama's presidential inauguration on January 20.

The government has printed 250,000 tickets so far for Barack Obama's presidential inauguration on January 20.

Entry to the biggest event in Washington is free if your congressman or senator grants your request, but with demand outpacing supply a traditional giveaway has turned into a thriving online marketplace.

Legitimate ticket brokers -- the same companies that peddle tickets to rock concerts and NASCAR races -- are selling tickets to the swearing-in of Barack Obama for thousands of dollars, even for standing-room areas on the National Mall.

Organizers of the inauguration say it violates the spirit of the event and could spell disappointment for people who buy tickets for the January 20 ceremony.

"We think it's absolutely insane to be selling those tickets. We understand some people want to make a buck, but for those people thinking of buying tickets, it's buyer beware," warned Howard Gantman, staff director of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. Video Watch why the tickets are going for top dollar »

Ticket brokers act as middlemen, selling inaugural tickets they say they purchase from Capitol Hill employees and people who get them from members of Congress.

Since the government releases tickets at the last minute -- less than a week before the inauguration -- ticket brokers cannot ensure they will receive enough tickets to cover their orders.

Web sites promise a full refund if tickets are not secured to buyers, but that offer may be little consolation to people who invest in a trip to Washington to see the inauguration.

Since tickets do not have attendees' names on them, Gantman said it's inevitable some will be sold.

"Some will be distributed this way. It happens with baseball games and concerts. But we are going to take every step we can to make sure these tickets get into the hands of those who themselves intend to attend this event."

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the chairwoman of the inauguration committee, said Monday she she was prepared to ask Congress to make it a crime to scalp inauguration tickets.

"We have heard reports that there are people trying to scalp Inaugural tickets for more than $40,000 each. This is unconscionable and must not be allowed," Feinstein said in a statement.

"This inauguration will be the major civic event of our time, and these tickets are supposed to be free for the people. Nobody should have to pay for their tickets," she added.

The inaugural committee is alerting lawmakers that it is a violation of Congress' code of ethics for members or staff to sell their tickets.

Swearing In Ceremony Information

Inside the Event

Movement will be difficult inside the security perimeter.  Please be prepared to stay within the designated perimeter and within your ticketed section for the duration of the inaugural festivities.

What to Wear to the Swearing In Ceremony

There is no official dress code for the swearing-in ceremonies.

It is typically very cold on Inauguration Day in Washington, D.C., normally 37°F and often wet. Expect to be outside for more than three hours, to stand in line, and to walk for long periods of time.  Wear a winter coat; consider wearing comfortable shoes, gloves, a hat and a scarf, and bringing a blanket.  Extra consideration should be taken when planning to bring infants, young children, the elderly, or anyone with a weakened immune system.


The Swearing-In ceremony is an outdoor event held on the West Front lawn of the U.S. Capitol.  Inauguration day is typically cold, normally 37° F at noon and occassionally wet. Extra consideration should be taken when planning to bring infants, young children, the elderly, or anyone with a weakened immune system.

Inauguration attendees should check the local weather forecast for Inauguration Day and plan accordingly.  In the event of rain, umbrellas will not be permitted within the security perimeter. It is recommended that attendees bring ponchos, or rain coats. 


There are no child care facilities provided to inauguration attendees. Due to increased security and space constraints strollers are not permitted on the Capitol grounds.  Direct questions regarding the admittance of items required for child care to the U.S. Capitol Police at 202-228-3555.

The Swearing-In ceremony is an outdoor event held on the West Front lawn of the U.S. Capitol.  Inauguration day is typically cold, normally 37° F at noon and occassionally wet. Extra consideration should be taken when planning to bring infants, young children, the elderly, or anyone with a weakened immune system.


The Swearing-In ceremony is an outdoor event held on the West Front lawn of the U.S. Capitol.  Inauguration day is typically cold, normally 37° F at noon and occassionally wet. Extra consideration should be taken when planning to bring infants, young children, the elderly, or anyone with a weakened immune system.

Medical Conditions

Emergency Medical Teams are on hand in the event of any medical emergencies.  For additional information about permitted items for medical purposes (i.e. insulin), please contact the U.S. Capitol Police at 202-228-3555.


Outdoor, portable restrooms are located throughout the Capitol grounds.


All ticket holders are required to pass through security screening, including handbag inspection.

Food and Drink

Food, beverages, and other amenities are not available within the ceremony perimeter.  Do not bring any food item larger than a small snack. Thermoses are amoung the list of prohibited items.

Cell Phones

Cellular Phones are permitted on the Capitol Grounds. Turn off phones or set to vibrate before the program begins.


Cameras are permitted on the Capitol Grounds, however, tripods and camera bags are prohibited items.


Large crowds are expected for the Inaugural Swearing-In Ceremonies, the Inaugural Parade, and other festivities.  Expect heavy traffic and road closings.  Use the Metro if possible.


Public parking in Washington will be extremely limited.  If you are traveling by car from outside the city, park in a lot near a Metro station and take the Metro into Washington. Expect heavy traffic and road closures.

Prohibited Items

Items prohibited from the Inaugural events include, but are not limited to:

NATEPERKINS.TV: Quakers; Keeping-The-Faith with Obama, Concern for Peace in Iraq, its neighbors, the Middle East and around the World--

NATEPERKINS.TV: Quakers; Keeping-The-Faith with Obama, Concern for Peace in Iraq, its neighbors, the Middle East and around the World--
WASHINGTON (D.C.) -- January 19, 2009. NATEPERKINS.TV: Quakers; Keeping-The-Faith with Obama, Concern for Peace in Iraq, its neighbors, the Middle East and around the World during the President Barack Obama Inauguration Ceremonies. Nonviolence was stated by a Quaker from the Langley Hill Friends Mingting in McLean, Virgina but we come from many religions and beliefs. The vigil takes place every Saturday at noon for one hour on or near the West lawn of the U.S. Capitol. As is our custom we stand with our only banner with the quote from Psalms 34:14, "Seek Peace and Pursue it." For more information about the vigil, or to be on our list serve: 
Saturdays at Noon--One Hour silent vigil for Peace, Keeping-The-Faith with us!
Presidential Oath
The language of the presidential oath is specified in the Constitution. The vice-president takes the same oath as other high-ranking federal employees.

Presidential Oath:
I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States , and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Vice-Presidential Oath:
I do solemnly sear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

Over 5000 Global Videos To Download FREE!

Nate PerkinsNate Perkins Live [TV] ChannelCEO
Nate Perkins Enterprises
285 Centennial Olympic Park Dr
Suite 2302
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
nateperkins@bellsouth.netHome : 1-770-331-4002
Work : 770-331-4002
Cell : 770-331-4002
check my iKarmaReview me at iKarmaWant to spread your own reputation?

Tybee Island, (GA) USA, Thursday, February 19, 2009 with NATEPERKINS.TV: Visited Tybee Island One Ye

Tybee Island, (GA) USA, Thursday, February 19, 2009 with NATEPERKINS.TV: Visited Tybee Island One Years Later, All Rentals Cut 50 Per Cent Off on Oceanfront Cottages, Hotels and more. Interviewed Tybee Island's Stacye C. Jarrell at Oceanfront Cottage Rentals LLC, 800-786-5889 / 912-786-0054  Tybee Island is an island and city in Chatham County, Georgia near the city of Savannah in the southeastern United States. The small island, which has long been a quiet getaway for the residents of America, has become a popular vacation spot with tourists from outside the State Of Georgia  metropolitan area. Beautiful beach houses for rent on Tybee Island, Georgia! Save & Compare Tybee Island Hotels, Cottages, Hotels & Motels in Tybee Island, GA. USA. About Oceanfront Cottage Rentals: Email


Oceanfront Cottage Rentals, LLC offers a wide variety of homes on Tybee Island ranging in size from one to six bedrooms. We specialize in luxurious oceanfront or oceanview homes that are clean, fully furnished, and beautifully appointed with all the comforts of home. We feature gorgeous homes that can fit almost any budget or family size. Every home is within easy walking distance to the beach, several restaurants and shops. Many homes offer hot tubs, private pools, elevators, Internet, or WiFi access. Some of our homes are pet friendly.

Considering a business trip? Reserve a home with Oceanfront Cottage Rentals, LLC and combine your business trip with a family vacation. Our homes work well for a small business retreat. Let us be your "home away from home" for your busy executive(s).

The friendly and helpful staff of Oceanfront Cottage Rentals, LLC will be more than glad to assist you in selecting the perfect home for a great vacation, retreat or family reunion.

CONTACT: PUBLIC RELATIONS--Toren Anderson, CEO, Toren Anderson Media & Events
AtlantaSavannahNew York Office: +1.770/591.8191 Mobile: +1.404/422.6671 Fax: +1.770/928.3635

Nate Perkins Enterprises, LLC (NPE) is an Internet Protocol TV Company based in Atlanta, dedicated to the creation and production of original documentary films about contemporary moral history, social and political issues in America Legacy. Hosted by Atlanta's TV/Radio NatePerkins.TV! Headquarters: Atlanta, GA. USA FRONTPAGE-ATLANTA.TV FRONTPAGE-BALTIMORE.TV FRONTPAGE-BIRMINGHAM.TV FRONTPAGE-CHICAGO.TV FRONTPAGE-CLEVLAND.TV FRONTPAGE-COLUMBUS.TV FRONTPAGE-DALLAS.TV FRONTPAGE-DETROIT.TV FRONTPAGE-JACKSON.TV FRONTPAGE-LITTLEROCK.TV FRONTPAGE-LOS ANGELES.TV FRONTPAGE-NEW ORLEANS.TV FRONTPAGE-NEW YORK CITY.TV FRONTPAGE-SOUTH FLORIDA.TV FRONTPAGE-ST LOUIS.TV FRONTPAGE-WASHINGTON-DC.TV Nate Perkins TV NatePerkins.TV: 

NATEPERKINS.TV: An Happy-Hour with Beaufort's author Bernie Schein, ComicTerry Sweeney, with his partner, Lanier Laney (former FOX writer, Saturday Night Live, MADtv) HappyWinos

February 20, 2009, Beaufort, South Carolina (USA) with NATEPERKINS.TV: An Happy-Hour Interview with Beaufort's city new Author Mr. Bernie Schein, at the WREN Restaurant Bistro Bar Market in the Histoic Downtown Beaufort. His wife Dr. Martha Schein and complement comic Terry Sweeney (Original members of Saturday Night Live, MadTV... Comic) the only male celebrity he has impersonated. His most notable recurring character was a portrayal of then-First Lady Nancy Reagan; Sweeney was told by Ron Reagan Jr., who hosted one of that season's episodes, that he was "more like his mother than she is." from who, ... Sweeney's partner and former SNL writer Lanier Laney    "You know our rule." Indeed I's 'NEVER answer the phone during Happy Hour'. During his season on SNL, he became known for his celebrity impersonations, particularly female impersonations of stars like Diana Ross, Patti LaBelle, Joan Collins, Brooke Shields's mother Teri Shields, and Joan Rivers, as well as Ted Kennedy .

Question? Bernie  your book, the If Holden Caulfield Were In My Classroom is based on your 40 years of experience as an educator in South Carloina, but is structured as if it takes place over one school year. Are the characters based on particular students you taught, or are they fictional composites? In other words, do you expect any of your past students to recognize themselves in these pages?

Well, the answer Theyre pretty much composites for disguise as much as effect. Some will recognize themselves (particularly those whose stories are represented), at least until they turn into someone else, some may not recognize themselves, and some will think they do who wont. Many, I think, will partially recognize themselves. The books meant to be a celebration of them. So if they see themselves in it, whether or not its literally them, all the better; metaphorically, hopefully its all of them. Wouldnt want to leave anyone out.

More importantly, with or without this book, they know who they are, though a few early readers (check Vlaimir Kleymans customer review on Amazon.Com) have suggested If Holden is a healthy reminder.

Schein holds a Master of Education degree from Harvard University, with an emphasis in educational psychology. His stories and essays have been published in Atlanta Magazine, Atlanta Weekly, Creative Loafing, and the Mississippi Educational Advance. His previous book (co-authored with his wife, Martha Schein), Open Classrooms in the Middle School, was a featured selection of the Educators Book Club. Bernie Schein lives in Beaufort, SC, near Charleston.

If Holden Caulfield Were in My Classroom is astonishing and originaldoes not tell you how to teach, but tells you how to live, how to feel deeply, how to enrich your time on earth. part philosophy, part self-help guide, a text of revelation, and an ode to the beauty of law and the wisdom of justice. Workshops

My Teaching Philosophy

What you see with the pre- and early teen is what you get, which is why parents and teachers throw up their hands in despair, fantasizing wildly about leaves-of absences from parenting and furloughs from teaching. Even therapists shun them, making tracks for the back door at their approach.What you see, however, and what you get, is not really them, not who they truly are which once discovered, reveals them to be far more creative, intelligent and loving than conventional wisdom allows.

Myths abound: they wont open up; not true, theyre dying to. They want to separate from their parents; not true, they crave intimacy with them. They are close only with their friends; not true, theyre too busy trying to out-do and impress them. This is the creative process, the stuff of art Has exuberantly blazed new trails in education.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution

In his over 40 years as an educator, Bernie Schein has gotten personal with countless students, bucking the conventional wisdom that education must be impersonal, formal, and objective. In countless talks and workshops, he has shared his views on everything from the shortcomings of the SAT and No Child Left Behind to the need for students to be emotionally open and aware before true learning can take place.

Schein was the principal of three different schools in Mississippi and South Carolina before he taught full time at the Paideia School in Atlanta, which he helped to start. The subjects he taught included creative and expository writing, literature, drama, and social studies, where his approach was distinguished by its group dynamics and his unique class government and court system. He has been an educational consultant throughout his career and continues to teach creative writing to both adolescents and adults. He was chosen District Teacher of the Year in the Atlanta, Georgia area in 1978.
Bernie Schein - Author of "If Holden Caulfield Were in My Classroom"
No one can teach a book better than Bernie Schein. In his writing class he was masterfulwould coax stories from his kids that were the finest things ever ... -
ImpressiveHe listens.

NATEPERKINS.TV: Happy-Hour with Beaufort's Author Bernie Schein, Comic Terry Sweeney, with his Partner, Lanier Laney - HappyWinos

February 20, 2009, Beaufort, South Carolina (USA) with NATEPERKINS.TV: An Happy-Hour Interview with Beaufort's city new Author Mr. Bernie Schein, at the WREN Restaurant Bistro Bar Market in the Histoic Downtown Beaufort. His wife Dr. Martha Schein and complement comic Terry Sweeney (Original members of Saturday Night Live, MadTV... Comic) the only male celebrity he has impersonated. His most notable recurring character was a portrayal of then-First Lady Nancy Reagan; Sweeney was told by Ron Reagan Jr., who hosted one of that season's episodes, that he was "more like his mother than she is." from who, ... Sweeney's partner and former SNL writer Lanier Laney    "You know our rule." Indeed I's 'NEVER answer the phone during Happy Hour'. During his season on SNL, he became known for his celebrity impersonations, particularly female impersonations of stars like Diana Ross, Patti LaBelle, Joan Collins, Brooke Shields's mother Teri Shields, and Joan Rivers, as well as Ted Kennedy.

SENTIENT PUBLICATIONS: Authors - Bernie Schein
In his over 40 years as an educator, Bernie Schein has gotten personal with countless students, bucking the conventional wisdom that education must be ... -
For Parents: A Workshop to Go with If Holden Caulfield Were in My Classroom

Are your kids open to reading, writing, strong, healthy relationships in which they can truly discover, develop and express who they really are? Kids' relationships with parents, as we know, carry over into those with siblings, peers, teachers and coaches, and vice-versa. Yet when they need you, rarely do they express it openly and honestly and directly. They rarely, at this age, walk up to you and volunteer, Hi Dad, Im screwed up. Can you help me? (In fact the reason conventional therapy often fails them is that they expect the therapist to read their minds, just like they do you. Passivity to them is indifference.)
Divorced Parents Must Help Kids Express Their Feelings. No matter how it is handled, children view divorce through traumatized eyes.

Schein holds a Master of Education degree from Harvard University, with an emphasis in educational psychology. His stories and essays have been published in Atlanta Magazine, Atlanta Weekly, Creative Loafing, and the Mississippi Educational Advance. His previous book (co-authored with his wife, Martha Schein), Open Classrooms in the Middle School, was a featured selection of the Educators Book Club. Bernie Schein lives in Beaufort, SC, near Charleston.

To contact Bernie, email him at this address:

CONTACT: PUBLIC RELATIONS--Toren Anderson, CEO, Toren Anderson Media & Events
AtlantaSavannahNew York Office: +1.770/591.8191 Mobile: +1.404/422.6671 Fax: +1.770/928.3635

Nate Perkins Enterprises, LLC (NPE) is an Internet Protocol TV Company based in Atlanta, dedicated to the creation and production of original documentary films about contemporary moral history, social and political issues in America Legacy. Hosted by Atlanta's TV/Radio NatePerkins.TV! Headquarters: Atlanta, GA. USA FRONTPAGE-ATLANTA.TV FRONTPAGE-BALTIMORE.TV FRONTPAGE-BIRMINGHAM.TV FRONTPAGE-CHICAGO.TV FRONTPAGE-CLEVLAND.TV FRONTPAGE-COLUMBUS.TV FRONTPAGE-DALLAS.TV FRONTPAGE-DETROIT.TV FRONTPAGE-JACKSON.TV FRONTPAGE-LITTLEROCK.TV FRONTPAGE-LOS ANGELES.TV FRONTPAGE-NEW ORLEANS.TV FRONTPAGE-NEW YORK CITY.TV FRONTPAGE-SOUTH FLORIDA.TV FRONTPAGE-ST LOUIS.TV FRONTPAGE-WASHINGTON-DC.TV Nate Perkins TV NatePerkins.TV: 

NATEPERKINS.TV: Atlanta Job Fair Attendance Exceeds 20,000 Plus...

ATLANTA, (GA) Mar 13, 2009 1 hour ago NATEPERKINS.TV: Atlanta Job Fair Attendance Exceeds 20,000 Plus... and Job Fair organized by the Georgia Department of Labor in partnership with WSB-TV Channel 2. Atlanta job fair at Georgia World Congress Center tomorrow. Sponsored by the Georgia Department of Labor and WSB-TV Channel 2, the event attracted ... Tags: atlanta job fair, Atlanta unemployment, Military Stars Career .... Marine Corps Job fair. More than 100 employers will set up shop for a job fair today at the ... event was sponsored by the state Labor Department and WSB-TV. ...The Georgia Department of Labor, in partnership with WSB-TV / Channel 2, is sponsoring the 2009 Metro Atlanta Career Expo and Job Fair on March 11, 2009. Georgia Job Fair Documentary Files.  AIG Discloses Counterparties as Obama, Cuomo Assail Bonuses - 1 hour ago President Barack Obama called AIGs $165 million of retention bonuses handed out yesterday unwarranted and vowed to block or recover them. ... | Nate Perkins Live [TV] Channel Broadcasting ...
Host: BlipTv. Added: 37 days, 18 hours ago. NATEPERKINS.TV: the film, entitled Barack Obama: ... autoStart=false&file= ... - 87k
AIG Discloses $75 Billion in Bailout Payments -
In the six months since the government's bailout of insurance giant American International Group, a rescue that has become increasingly costly and ... -
Over 5000 Global Videos To Download FREE!

Nate PerkinsNate Perkins Live [TV] ChannelCEO
Nate Perkins Enterprises
285 Centennial Olympic Park Dr
Suite 2302
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
nateperkins@bellsouth.netHome : 1-770-331-4002
Work : 770-331-4002
Cell : 770-331-4002
check my iKarmaReview me at iKarmaWant to spread your own reputation?
AIG - American International Group, Inc. (NYSE)
0.83 +0.33 (66.00% Mar 16 4:00pm ETOpen:  0.61 High:  1.00 Low:  0.57  Volume:  267,139,132 Avg Vol:  53,045,000 Mkt Cap:  2.23BDisclaimer
After Hours: 0.81 -0.02 (-2.41% Mar 16 4:03pm ET
Nate Perkins Enterprises, LLC (NPE) is an Internet Protocol TV Company based in Atlanta, dedicated to the creation and production of original documentary films about contemporary moral history, social and political issues in America Legacy. Hosted by Atlanta's TV/Radio NatePerkins.TV! Headquarters: Atlanta, GA. USA FRONTPAGE-ATLANTA.TV FRONTPAGE-BALTIMORE.TV FRONTPAGE-BIRMINGHAM.TV FRONTPAGE-CHICAGO.TV FRONTPAGE-CLEVLAND.TV FRONTPAGE-COLUMBUS.TV FRONTPAGE-DALLAS.TV FRONTPAGE-DETROIT.TV FRONTPAGE-JACKSON.TV FRONTPAGE-LITTLEROCK.TV FRONTPAGE-LOS ANGELES.TV FRONTPAGE-NEW ORLEANS.TV FRONTPAGE-NEW YORK CITY.TV FRONTPAGE-SOUTH FLORIDA.TV FRONTPAGE-ST LOUIS.TV FRONTPAGE-WASHINGTON-DC.TV Nate Perkins TV NatePerkins.TV: 

NATEPERKINS.TV: Atlanta Job Fair Sponsored by the Georgia Department of Labor and WSB-TV Channel 2

ATLANTA, (GA) Mar 13, 1 hour ago NATEPERKINS.TV: Atlanta Job Fair Attendance Exceeds 20,000 Plus... and Job Fair organized by the Georgia Department of Labor in partnership with WSB-TV Channel 2. Atlanta job fair at Georgia World Congress Center tomorrow. Sponsored by the Georgia Department of Labor and WSB-TV Channel 2, the event attracted ... Tags: atlanta job fair, Atlanta unemployment, Military Stars Career .... Marine Corps Job fair. More than 100 employers will set up shop for a job fair today at the ... event was sponsored by the state Labor Department and WSB-TV. ...The Georgia Department of Labor, in partnership with WSB-TV / Channel 2, is sponsoring the 2009 Metro Atlanta Career Expo and Job Fair on March 11, 2009. Georgia Job Fair Documentary Files. AIG Discloses Counterparties as Obama, Cuomo Assail Bonuses - 1 hour ago President Barack Obama called AIGs $165 million of retention bonuses handed out yesterday unwarranted and vowed to block or recover them. ... NATEPERKINS.TV: Atlanta Job Fair Attendance Exceeds 20,000 Plus... | Nate Perkins Live [TV] Channel Broadcasting ...
Host: BlipTv. Added: 37 days, 18 hours ago. NATEPERKINS.TV: the film, entitled Barack Obama: ... autoStart=false&file= ... - 87k
AIG Discloses $75 Billion in Bailout Payments -
In the six months since the government's bailout of insurance giant American International Group, a rescue that has become increasingly costly and ... -
Over 5000 Global Videos To Download FREE!

Nate PerkinsNate Perkins Live [TV] ChannelCEO
Nate Perkins Enterprises
285 Centennial Olympic Park Dr
Suite 2302
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
nateperkins@bellsouth.netHome : 1-770-331-4002
Work : 770-331-4002
Cell : 770-331-4002
check my iKarmaReview me at iKarmaWant to spread your own reputation?
AIG - American International Group, Inc. (NYSE)
0.83 +0.33 (66.00%) Mar 16 4:00pm ETOpen: 0.61 High: 1.00 Low: 0.57 Volume: 267,139,132 Avg Vol: 53,045,000 Mkt Cap: 2.23BDisclaimer
After Hours: 0.81 -0.02 (-2.41%) Mar 16 4:03pm ET
Nate Perkins Enterprises, LLC (NPE) is an Internet Protocol TV Company based in Atlanta, dedicated to the creation and production of original documentary films about contemporary moral history, social and political issues in America Legacy. Hosted by Atlanta's TV/Radio NatePerkins.TV! Headquarters: Atlanta, GA. USA FRONTPAGE-ATLANTA.TV FRONTPAGE-BALTIMORE.TV FRONTPAGE-BIRMINGHAM.TV FRONTPAGE-CHICAGO.TV FRONTPAGE-CLEVLAND.TV FRONTPAGE-COLUMBUS.TV FRONTPAGE-DALLAS.TV FRONTPAGE-DETROIT.TV FRONTPAGE-JACKSON.TV FRONTPAGE-LITTLEROCK.TV FRONTPAGE-LOS ANGELES.TV FRONTPAGE-NEW ORLEANS.TV FRONTPAGE-NEW YORK CITY.TV FRONTPAGE-SOUTH FLORIDA.TV FRONTPAGE-ST LOUIS.TV FRONTPAGE-WASHINGTON-DC.TV Nate Perkins TV NatePerkins.TV:

JAZZ Fathers: Sir Duke Ellington Plus Count William Basie and Hip--1929

 NATEPERKINS TV: The Movement that Elected Americans First Independent President Obama Black Americans First Independent President (one hour ago) Reform Party. NATEPERKINS.TV:  (one hour ago) iReport on Black in America with President Barack Obama's Frist 100 Days In 2009. Coming up tonight tis he Edward Kennedy Ellington, Duke Ellingtonwas one of the founding fathers of jazz music. He started playing piano at the age of seven, and by the time he was 15, he was composing. A pianist, bandleader, arranger, and composer, Ellington and his band played together for 50 years. Some of Ellington's most famous songs include "Don't Get Around Much Anymore," "Sophisticated Lady" and "In a Sentimental Mood. One of the greatest ensembles in all of jazz -- The Count BasieOrchestra of the 1950s. For better than 50 years, somewhere a For better than 50 years, somewhere a Count Basie band has been riding around America in a bus or on a plane, on their way to or from a gig, the Flying Dutchmen of jazz. This practice started when their piano-playing leader nicked a personal Greyhound from the bus firm of the same name when the Barons of Rhythm, as the band was then known, were playing the Reno in Kansas City with Lester Young and Herschel Evans on tenors and Buck Clayton on trumpet and USA Hip Hop Super Star Litâ John.

In the middle of the Great Depression, the boys in the band would ride out to one-nighters in Tulsa, Okla., Muskogee, Okmulgee, Oklahoma City, and over to Wichita, Kan., and Omaha, Neb.

Basie kept a draw book to record advances to the musicians. "Lester used to get either 55 or 60 cents," he remembered in his autobiography, "Good Morning Blues," "but you couldn't draw more than a buck and a quarter. But you could get a full course meal for 35 cents,"

About Duke Ellington

"In the royalty of American music, no man swings more or stands higher than the Duke."
-- President Richard Nixon

"The wit, taste, intelligence and elegance that Duke Ellington brought to his music have made him, in the eyes of millions of people both here and abroad, America's foremost composer."
-- President Richard Nixon

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New Civil Rights Movement March (20 Sept 2007) In jena, LA. USA

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Atlanta's TV/Radio iReporter Host Nate Perkins: In my work with emerging leaders, I've discovered many ways in which marketers have totally missed the mark with Generation Y consumers by not acknowledging their motivators. So let me clue you in to the ways in which you can effectively connect with this growing market of savvy spenders. Generation Yers want to know that you care enough to find out what makes them tick.this generation of youth born after 1977 represents more than 70 million consumers in the United States.