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Designed strictly for Retail Coffee Sales. Keep warm this winter… by sharing the romance of Magic Power Coffee. Win CASH for a Romantic Escape by helping others heat up their love-lives. You can Win one of these Romantic Escapes: Welcome to NATE PERKINS TV SHOW's Magic Power Coffee Magic Power Coffee A “love potion” that WORKS every time You’ve never had coffee like this before. NEW! Magic Power Coffee is the world’s first “aphrodisiac coffee”. Increase the sensation and the satisfaction of your love making, every time. All Natural - Magical Ingredients: Magic Power Coffee's combination of natural herbs, vitamins and minerals has been shown to improve overall sexual experience. Our ingredients are combined using the highest quality standards. Through rigorous research and analysis we have created a safe and effective product. The magical ingredients in our proprietary formula include: Horny Goat Weed, Goji Berry & American Ginseng. Magic Power Coffee - You never had coffee like this before! Click Here - nutritional facts of our revolutionary product Magic Power Coffee. Welcome to NATE PERKINS TV SHOW's Magic Power Coffee What People are Saying... Twice as Nice “I am 68 years old, but I still enjoy sex. I had my doubts that a natural product could work for a guy my age. Well, I drank the coffee for the first time, then I made love to my girlfriend. It was great! But that was just the beginning. We were both surprised, I was hard as a rock. I felt like I was 21 again! This product works BETTER than they said it would!” - GEORGE (Colorado, 68) Sex is Fun Again “My hubby and I have been trying to have a baby for a few years now. I must say the ‘trying’ part had become less and less fun. 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Friday, January 29, 2010

NATEPERKINS.TV:Transcript President-Elect Obama's Radio Address

Obama for America
Atlanta, (GA). Saturday, January 10, 2009 NATEPERKINS.TV: The following is a transcript of President-elect Barack Obama's radio address: PRESIDENT-ELECT: We start this new year in the midst of an economic crisis unlike any we have seen in our lifetime. Obama's Economic Plan discusses his target of saving or creating up to 4 million jobs with his economic stimulus plan.

We learned yesterday that in the past month alone, we lost more than half a million jobs - a total of nearly 2.6 million in the year 2008. Another 3.4 million Americans who want and need full-time work have had to settle for part-time jobs. And families across America are feeling the pinch as they watch debts mount, bills pile up and savings disappear.

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NATEPERKINS.TV (nateperkinstv) 4 hours ago

Obama's Economic Plan discusses his target of saving or creating up to 4 million jobs with his economic stimulus plan.

These numbers are a stark reminder that we simply cannot continue on our current path. If nothing is done, economists from across the spectrum tell us that this recession could linger for years and the unemployment rate could reach double digits - and they warn that our nation could lose the competitive edge that has served as a foundation for our strength and standing in the world.

It's not too late to change course - but only if we take immediate and dramatic action. Our first job is to put people back to work and get our economy working again. This is an extraordinary challenge, which is why I've taken the extraordinary step of working - even before I take office - with my economic team and leaders of both parties on an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan that will call for major investments to revive our economy, create jobs, and lay a solid foundation for future growth.

I asked my nominee for chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, Dr. Christina Romer, and the vice president-elect's chief economic adviser, Dr. Jared Bernstein, to conduct a rigorous analysis of this plan and come up with projections of how many jobs it will create - and what kind of jobs they will be. Today, I am releasing a report of their findings so that the American people can see exactly what this plan will mean for their families, their communities, and our economy.

The report confirms that our plan will likely save or create 3 to 4 million jobs. 90 percent of these jobs will be created in the private sector - the remaining 10 percent are mainly public sector jobs we save, like the teachers, police officers, firefighters and others who provide vital services in our communities. NATEPERKINS.TV: MOVIE Barack Obama's | "YES WE CAN ...- 4 hours ago

MOVIE: Barack Obama | "YES WE CAN" Change Presidential Campaign Speech NATEPERKINS.TV The Obama Handbag - Limited 100 Piece ...

The jobs we create will be in businesses large and small across a wide range of industries. And they'll be the kind of jobs that don't just put people to work in the short term, but position our economy to lead the world in the long-term.

We'll create nearly half a million jobs by investing in clean energy - by committing to double the production of alternative energy in the next three years, and by modernizing more than 75% of federal buildings and improving the energy efficiency of two million American homes. These made-in-America jobs building solar panels and wind turbines, developing fuel-efficient cars and new energy technologies pay well, and they can't be outsourced.

We'll create hundreds of thousands of jobs by improving health care - transitioning to a nationwide system of computerized medical records that wont just save money, but save lives by preventing deadly medical errors. 

And we'll create hundreds of thousands more jobs in education, equipping tens of thousands of schools with 21st century classrooms, labs and computers to help our kids compete with any worker in the world for any job.

We'll put nearly 400,000 people to work by repairing our infrastructure - our crumbling roads, bridges and schools. And we'll build the new infrastructure we need to succeed in this new century, investing in science and technology, and laying down miles of new broadband lines so that businesses across our nation can compete with their counterparts around the world.

Finally, we won't just create jobs, we'll also provide help for those who've lost theirs, and for states and families who've been hardest-hit by this recession. That means bipartisan extensions of unemployment insurance and health care coverage; a $1,000 tax cut for 95 percent of working families; and assistance to help states avoid harmful budget cuts in essential services like police, fire, education and health care.
Obama says plan could add or save 4 million jobs - 4 hours ago

By Deborah Charles WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Barack Obama said on Saturday an ... Though Obama did not mention it in the radio address, ...

Now, given the magnitude of the challenges we face, none of this will come easy. Recovery won't happen overnight, and its likely that things will get worse before they get better.

But we have come through moments like this before. We are the nation that has faced down war, depression and fear itself - each time, refusing to yield; each time, refusing to accept a lesser fate. That is the spirit that has always sustained us - that belief that our destiny is not written for us, but by us; that our success is not a matter of chance, but of our own courage and determination. 

Our resources may be finite, but our will is infinite. And I am confident that if we come together and summon that great American spirit once again, we will meet the challenges of our time and write the next great chapter in our American story.

NATEPERKINS.TV: Presents Year-in-Review for 2007-2008 iReport Bl ...

NATEPERKINS.TV: Presents Year-in-Review for 2007-2008 iReport Black America ( Episodes Archive). Atlanta's TV/Radio Host Nate Perkins Presents Black Men and ...
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Nate PerkinsNate Perkins Live [TV] ChannelCEO
Nate Perkins Enterprises
285 Centennial Olympic Park Dr
Suite 2302
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
nateperkins@bellsouth.netHome : 1-770-331-4002
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Friday, January 22, 2010

NATEPERKINS.TV: Happy-Hour with Beaufort's Author Bernie Schein, Comic Terry Sweeney, with his Partner, Lanier Laney - HappyWinos

February 20, 2009, Beaufort, South Carolina (USA) with NATEPERKINS.TV: An Happy-Hour Interview with Beaufort's city new Author Mr. Bernie Schein, at the WREN Restaurant Bistro Bar Market in the Histoic Downtown Beaufort. His wife Dr. Martha Schein and complement comic Terry Sweeney (Original members of Saturday Night Live, MadTV... Comic) the only male celebrity he has impersonated. His most notable recurring character was a portrayal of then-First Lady Nancy Reagan; Sweeney was told by Ron Reagan Jr., who hosted one of that season's episodes, that he was "more like his mother than she is." from who, ... Sweeney's partner and former SNL writer Lanier Laney    "You know our rule." Indeed I's 'NEVER answer the phone during Happy Hour'. During his season on SNL, he became known for his celebrity impersonations, particularly female impersonations of stars like Diana Ross, Patti LaBelle, Joan Collins, Brooke Shields's mother Teri Shields, and Joan Rivers, as well as Ted Kennedy.

SENTIENT PUBLICATIONS: Authors - Bernie Schein
In his over 40 years as an educator, Bernie Schein has gotten personal with countless students, bucking the conventional wisdom that education must be ... -
For Parents: A Workshop to Go with If Holden Caulfield Were in My Classroom

Are your kids open to reading, writing, strong, healthy relationships in which they can truly discover, develop and express who they really are? Kids' relationships with parents, as we know, carry over into those with siblings, peers, teachers and coaches, and vice-versa. Yet when they need you, rarely do they express it openly and honestly and directly. They rarely, at this age, walk up to you and volunteer, Hi Dad, Im screwed up. Can you help me? (In fact the reason conventional therapy often fails them is that they expect the therapist to read their minds, just like they do you. Passivity to them is indifference.)
Divorced Parents Must Help Kids Express Their Feelings. No matter how it is handled, children view divorce through traumatized eyes.

Schein holds a Master of Education degree from Harvard University, with an emphasis in educational psychology. His stories and essays have been published in Atlanta Magazine, Atlanta Weekly, Creative Loafing, and the Mississippi Educational Advance. His previous book (co-authored with his wife, Martha Schein), Open Classrooms in the Middle School, was a featured selection of the Educators Book Club. Bernie Schein lives in Beaufort, SC, near Charleston.

To contact Bernie, email him at this address:

CONTACT: PUBLIC RELATIONS--Toren Anderson, CEO, Toren Anderson Media & Events
AtlantaSavannahNew York Office: +1.770/591.8191 Mobile: +1.404/422.6671 Fax: +1.770/928.3635

Nate Perkins Enterprises, LLC (NPE) is an Internet Protocol TV Company based in Atlanta, dedicated to the creation and production of original documentary films about contemporary moral history, social and political issues in America Legacy. Hosted by Atlanta's TV/Radio NatePerkins.TV! Headquarters: Atlanta, GA. USA FRONTPAGE-ATLANTA.TV FRONTPAGE-BALTIMORE.TV FRONTPAGE-BIRMINGHAM.TV FRONTPAGE-CHICAGO.TV FRONTPAGE-CLEVLAND.TV FRONTPAGE-COLUMBUS.TV FRONTPAGE-DALLAS.TV FRONTPAGE-DETROIT.TV FRONTPAGE-JACKSON.TV FRONTPAGE-LITTLEROCK.TV FRONTPAGE-LOS ANGELES.TV FRONTPAGE-NEW ORLEANS.TV FRONTPAGE-NEW YORK CITY.TV FRONTPAGE-SOUTH FLORIDA.TV FRONTPAGE-ST LOUIS.TV FRONTPAGE-WASHINGTON-DC.TV Nate Perkins TV NatePerkins.TV: 

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Nate Perkins Live: with Southern Christian Leadership Conference Celebrates 50th Anniversary-- ATLANTA, Aug 2007

 Nate Perkins Live: with Southern Christian Leadership Conference Celebrates 50th Anniversary-- ATLANTA, Aug 2007 

Invited Guest Speaker: Ambassador Andrew Young and Presenter: Chief, Richard Pennington

WNEG, GA - Aug 7, 2007
More than 100 marchers kicked off yesterday's celebration for the 50th anniversary of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and its new headquarters ...
Clinton urges SCLC to look at 'economic rights' Atlanta Journal Constitution
SCLC and CompuCredit Announce Partnership for Economic Empowerment ...


Sports buzz
Kansas City Star, MO - 15 hours ago
A week after discussing how Falcons quarterback Michael Vick could be acknowledged during the Southern Christian Leadership Conference convention in Atlanta ...
SCLC will not recognize Michael Vick at convention USA Today
Browns sign QB Quinn to 5-year contract Indianapolis Star
SCLC Doesn't Plan To Honor Vick; Order Restored to Universe


Atlanta Police Department | Office of the Chief

Richard J. Pennington is Atlanta’s 22nd Chief of Police. ... As Chief of the Atlanta Police Department since July 2002, Chief Pennington has been ...



I am Chief Richard J. Pennington.  Let me take this opportunity on behalf of the 2,300 sworn and non-sworn members of the Atlanta Police Department to welcome you to our informative and interactive website.  Here you will find information regarding crime prevention, media advisories, missing person bulletins, Atlanta’s Most Wanted bulletins, links to all six police zones, emergency numbers and many other items of interest.  You are encouraged to browse our website, provide comments and useful information to assist us in enhancing the services we provide.


Watching Nate Perkins Live: IPTV

A New Civil Rights Movement Lead BY Martin Luther King, III (Jena,LA, USA) Part One

Martin Luther King III looks ahead as new president ofHe will be able to lead this organization in participating in the redefining of America." ... Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement. ... - 80k FREE TV-Channel IP[TV]:
New Georgia Encyclopedia: Civil Rights Movement
Andrew Young, An Easy Burden: The Civil Rights Movement and the Transformation of America (New York: HarperCollins, 1996). Stephen Tuck, Pembroke College, ... - 54k
'Jena 6' rally: Beginning of 21st century civil rights movement?
This could be the beginning of a 21st century civil rights movement to challenge disparities in the justice system, he said, and he said he planned a ...
A New Civil Rights Movement for People of ColorWhat African, Hispanic, and Asian Americans can do to protect their Civil Rights. - 31k
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMovement:, African-American Civil Rights Movement ...... Martin Luther King Jr.'s, A New Sense of Direction (1968) article published in WorldView magazine. ...,_Jr. - 183k ****Jena 6 On World News :
As we approach the 50th anniversary of the integration of Central High School, another case in Louisiana is getting attention.

The students who integrated Central High in 1957 became known as the Little Rock Nine. Today, they are being joined by the "Jena Six."

Six black teenagers are accused of attacking a white teenager at school. The question is, was it attempted murder, or is it a case of racial injustice.

The answer to that question could mean the difference between freedom and years in prison.

CNNs Susan Roesgen has the story from Jena, La. Click the THVideo icon to watch.
 A New Civil Rights Movement Lead BY Martin Luther King, III (Jena, LA, USA) add to favorites
1. Join The Dream Team: A New Civil Rights Movement Lead BY Martin Luther King, III (Jena,LA, USA)

2. Help Spread the Word and thank you, for watching T.V. Channel, Nate Perkins


NATEPERKINS.TV: GA State Sen Vincent D. Fort (D-Atlanta) Handcuffed by Security Guards During Rallies

Grady agrees to nonprofit management board - 15 hours ago
By CRAIG SCHNEIDER, GAYLE WHITE The Grady hospital board voted Monday to give up most of its authority to a new management board, but it first wants ...Atlanta Journal Constitution - 195 related articles »Legislator List PageSenator Vincent D. Fort represents the city of Atlanta. - 7k - Cached - Similar pages
Georgia State Senator Vincent Fort (D-39)District Office: P.O. Box 42967 Atlanta GA 30311 Phone: (404)753-3163. Email: District 39 Democrat Committee Membership ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages
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Grady Health SystemFor information about the Grady Hospital lien litigation and proposed class action settlement, including how to make a claim for benefits, click here. ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages
More results from »Grady Health System - Where We Are - Grady Memorial Hospital
Option #2: Take MARTA bus Route 4 - McDonough / Grady Hospital which passes in front of Grady Memorial Hospital and puts you directly onto the Grady Health ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages
Grady Memorial HospitalIf your issues have not been addressed by the hospital, you may contact the Ohio Department of Health at (800) 342-0553 or the Joint Commission, ...
Map of 561 W Central Ave, Delaware, OH 43015 - 16k - Cached - Similar pages
News results for grady hospital

Grady agrees to nonprofit management board - 15 hours ago
By CRAIG SCHNEIDER, GAYLE WHITE The Grady hospital board voted Monday to give up most of its authority to a new management board, but it first wants ...Atlanta Journal Constitution - 195 related articles »
Ga Senate - Vincent FortSenator Vincent Fort was elected to serve the 39th District in the Georgia Senate in 1996. His district is in Atlanta. Since taking office, Fort has been ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pages
Vincent Fort - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[Vincent D. Fort][1] (D.O.B. 4/28/56) was first elected to the Georgia State Senate from the 39th District in 1996. He represents part of Fulton County. ... - 20k - Cached - Similar pages
Senator Vincent D. Fort
Vincent Fort (D-Atlanta) warned his colleagues under the Gold Dome and the public in a long series of town hall meetings that predatory lenders were ... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages
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Nate PerkinsNate Perkins Live [TV] ChannelCEO
Nate Perkins Enterprises
285 Centennial Olympic Park Dr
Suite 2302
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
nateperkins@bellsouth.netHome : 1-770-331-4002
Work : 770-331-4002
Cell : 770-331-4002
check my iKarmaReview me at iKarmaWant to spread your own reputation?
Nate Perkins Enterprises, LLC (NPE) is an Internet Protocol TV Company based in Atlanta, dedicated to the creation and production of original documentary films about contemporary moral history, social and political issues in America Legacy. Hosted by Atlanta's TV/Radio NatePerkins.TV! Headquarters: Atlanta, GA. USA FRONTPAGE-ATLANTA.TV FRONTPAGE-BALTIMORE.TV FRONTPAGE-BIRMINGHAM.TV FRONTPAGE-CHICAGO.TV FRONTPAGE-CLEVLAND.TV FRONTPAGE-COLUMBUS.TV FRONTPAGE-DALLAS.TV FRONTPAGE-DETROIT.TV FRONTPAGE-JACKSON.TV FRONTPAGE-LITTLEROCK.TV FRONTPAGE-LOS ANGELES.TV FRONTPAGE-NEW ORLEANS.TV FRONTPAGE-NEW YORK CITY.TV FRONTPAGE-SOUTH FLORIDA.TV FRONTPAGE-ST LOUIS.TV FRONTPAGE-WASHINGTON-DC.TV Nate Perkins TV NatePerkins.TV: 

NATEPERKINS.TV: The Reverend Doctor Richard H. Cobble Announces That He Will Serve Holy Communion at the BP Gas Station, Sunday, Oct 5, 08 "Gasoline Crisis in Atlanta, Georgia"

ATLANTA.GA Oct 5, 2008 Rev. Dr. Richard H. Cobble: HIGH+GAS+PRICES Announces That He Will Serve Holy Communion at the BP Gas - Atlanta, more @ NATEPERKINS.TV  The Reverend Doctor Richard H. Cobble Announces that he will serve Holy Communion at the BP Gas Station, IH 20 & SE Boulevard, Sunday, October 5, 2008, o/a 12 Noon. By serving Holy Communion, Members of Omega Holiness Church will covey the message that the Religious Centers can take leadership in spear heading solutions for solving this Nation energy crisis. Serving Holy Communion is a community voice for bringing down the gasoline prices and focusing upon this Nation to doing the following:

1. Adopt A National Policy to Stop Depending on Foreign Oil!

  1. Call A National Summit of all Alternative and Renewal Energy Resources!

  2. Validate New Jobs created by Alternative & Renewal Energy Use!

  3. Establish & Implement A National Alternative & Renewal Energy Department!

REVEREND DOCTOR RICHARD H. COBBLE. CBC Vice-President of Mission,Senior Minister, Omega Holiness Church, 621 Memorial Drive, SE; Atlanta, Georgia 30312

 Voice Mail (404) 624-9488; FAX (404) 622-8906; CELL  678 296-2128; EMAIL



MS. SADIE J. DENARD CBC Vice-President of Administration

Public Policy 101

Georgia's constitution states, all government, of right, originates with the people, is founded upon their will only, and is instituted for the good of the whole. Public officers are the trustees and servants of the people and are at all times amenable to them."

What should an empowered voter know? 

There are three Branches of Government: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.


To Develop a Strategy to Participate in the Public Policy Process. 

As we move into the 21st Century, the era of human compassion calls for a new kind of leadership. Our current neighborhood, community and faith leaders continue to be committed, but do not have the capacity to participate in the Public Policy Process. Now the question is, How can the Social Service Delivery System benefit from their unprecedented efforts?"

The Public Policy Leader of this new era must be equally as committed in the quest for new approaches to citizen participation.Wed like to declare the kind of leaders and social stakeholders as the foundation of an Independent Movement. 

Generating an Independent Movement would allow for new ideas that would be a positive impact on the social service delivery system, both now and for generations to come.

NATEPERKINS.TV: Atlanta's Black Radio Host Community Activist Derrick Boazman "I'm furious, disgusted and disappointed," Will Georgia Kill an Innocent Man? Troy Anthony Davis

Contact Amnesty International USA
Amnesty International USA Contact Information. ... Suite 1060 Atlanta, GA 30308 phone: (404) 876-5661 fax: (404) 876-2276 1-866-A-REGION ... - 38k -
Death Penalty
Death Penalty information and resources including information on the use of the Death Penalty in the United States from Amnesty International. - 53k -
Phonebook results for TROY DAVis georgia Troy Davis   (912) 285-2218   3152 Ash Dr,  Waycross, GA 31501   Map Troy Davis Jr   (478) 788-1628   110 Deer Forest Trl,  Macon, GA 31216   Map Troy Davis   (478) 454-5447   Milledgeville, GA 31059   Map
Search Results: Troy Anthony Davis

Community Talk

Community Talk: WAOK 1380 Atlanta, GA
Weekdays 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Community Talk is a program that covers a variety of topics affecting the community such as politics, education, civil rights and more. Tune in weekday evenings!

State Representative Alisha Thomas Morgan
Bruce Griggs
Attorney Janice Mathis
Thursdays and Fridays
Community Activist

This undated photo released by the Georgia Department of Corrections shows death-row inmate Troy Davis. More than 17 years after Davis was convicted of gunning down a Savannah, Ga. police officer, supporters say disturbing questions remain about his guilt. Still, unless the courts intervene, Davis is facing execution Tuesday night, September 23, 2008. (AP Photo/Georgia Department of Corrections)
GA State Sen. Vincent D. Fort (D-Atlanta) Was Handcuffed by ...
GA State Sen. Vincent D. Fort (D-Atlanta) Was Handcuffed by Security Guards During Rallies For Grady's Memorial Hospital To Remain Open Video on AOL Video ... - 71k
Ga. officer's family angered by execution delay

By GREG BLUESTEIN 18 hours ago

ATLANTA (AP) After a Georgia inmate convicted of murdering a police officer was spared from execution a second time, the condemned man's widely publicized supporters erupted in joy. But far from television cameras, the victim's family seethed.

"My son is dead. Theirs is still alive," said Anneliese MacPhail, the officer's mother. "That's just the way I feel."

Arm-in-arm with the Rev. Al Sharpton, Troy Davis' exultant family and a busload of supporters sang, wept and prayed Tuesday when they learned he was granted a temporary reprieve from the U.S. Supreme Court just hours before he was to be executed.

It was the second time he had been spared and, for Davis' family, another opportunity to proclaim his innocence and press for a new trial. The execution will be delayed for at least a couple of weeks. The court is scheduled to review Davis' appeal at a private conference on Monday.

Away from the spotlight was the grieving family of Mark MacPhail, who was shot and killed in 1989 while moonlighting as a security guard at a Savannah bus station. He rushed to help a homeless man who had been pistol-whipped and was shot twice when he approached Davis and two other men.

Embittered by delays and legal maneuvering, the family was devastated by Tuesday's reprieve.

"I'm furious, disgusted and disappointed," Anneliese MacPhail said. "I want this over with. This has been hanging over us for 19 years."

Davis was convicted in 1991, after prosecutors at his trial said he approached McPhail with a "smirk on his face" as he fired the gun. But seven of the nine key witnesses who helped put Davis on death row have since recanted their statements. Three other people have said one of the witnesses who testified at Davis' trial later confessed to killing the officer.

The fresh doubts, coupled with Davis' claims of innocence, have drawn support from high-profile leaders like President Jimmy Carter and South Africa Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Amnesty International has organized protests as far away as Paris, and Sharpton has helped lead rallies calling for a new trial.

Amid the concerns, the state pardons board postponed Davis' execution in July 2007 less than 24 hours before it was to occur. The courts have since thoroughly vetted the case.

A divided Georgia Supreme Court this year has twice rejected his request for a new trial, and the pardons board turned down his bid for clemency this month after considering the case again.

The U.S. Supreme Court issued its last-minute stay Tuesday night after Davis had already turned down his last meal and prepared his final statement.

For MacPhail's family, the lengthy appeals process has been excruciating.

"If I saw him, I'd punch him in the face," the victim's mother said of Davis. "I am angry at the whole family. I don't know how they have such a following."

Mark MacPhail was an Army Ranger for almost six years before he and his wife decided to settle down and he became a police officer in Savannah.

To his 74-year-old mother, who sat through the trial and becomes livid when she talks about the case, there's no question that Davis pulled the trigger.

"I don't think there will ever be closure. There's a hole in our heart that will never be healed," she said. "But we just want Mark to rest in peace. And we want to live now. We have just been existing all these years, waiting for the next shoe to drop.

"When it's over, justice has been done. That's the way we feel."

  1. News results for TROY DAVis georgia

    BBC News
    ATLANTA (AP) After a Georgia inmate convicted of murdering a police officer ... Al Sharpton, Troy Davis' exultant family and a busload of supporters sang, ...
    The Associated Press - 907 related articles »
  2. Troy Anthony Davis
    Troy Anthony Davis. An Innocent Man Facing Execution in Georgia. Troy Davis Denied Clemency: Execution Scheduled for Sept 23, at 7:00PM ... - 26k - Cached - Similar pages
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  3. Georgia Board Grants Stay Of Execution to Consider Case ...
    Georgia Board Grants Stay Of Execution to Consider Case ... Troy Davis was convicted of killing a police officer in 1989. Troy Davis was convicted of ... - Similar pages
  4. Will Georgia Kill an Innocent Man? - TIME
    Will Georgia Kill an Innocent Man? By Brendan Lowe Friday, Jul. 13, 2007. Troy Davis Georgia Death Row. A snapshot from a family visit to Troy Davis, ...,8599,1643384,00.html?cnn=yes - 39k - Cached - Similar pages
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    Barack Obama | President Obama, Please Get FISA Right By NATEPERKINSTV - Aug 31st, 2008 at 3:15 pm EDT. Also listed in: 10 groups. ATLANTA, GA. ... with the conservative Web site, Focus on the Family leader ...

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Sharpton seeks clemency for Troy Anthony DavisCivil rights activist takes up case of condemned killer


The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Saturday, September 20, 2008

New York civil rights activist Al Sharpton said condemned cop killer Troy Anthony Davis was surprisingly upbeat Saturday night after the two prayed together on Georgias death row.

He was not overly optimistic or pessimistic, said the Rev. Sharpton, who visited Davis on death row at Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison in Jackson at the request of Davis family. He was suprisingly upbeat. He seemed like he was depending on his faith to see him through.

Sharpton has joined a growing chorus of prominent figures calling for Georgia to spare the life of the 39-year-old, who is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection Tuesday night for the 1989 murder of Savannah police Officer Mark Allen MacPhail.

If you have this kind of wide array of people who dont agree on much, but who believe that clemency is needed in this case, that should impress upon [the Georgia State Pardons and Parole Board] to give him another opportunity to show that there is not reasonable doubt, Sharpton said.

But Scheree Lipscomb, a spokeswoman for the Pardons and Parole Board, said Saturday night there would be no last-minute clemency.

The board members have considered clemency on two occasions, Lipscomb said. They stand firm in the decision that they have made.

Both former President Jimmy Carter and Bob Barr, a Libertarian Party presidential candidate and former Georgia congressman, on Friday asked the board to grant Davis a stay of execution.

Barr wrote a letter to the parole board last week asking it to reconsider the Davis case because, he wrote, the doubts about the Davis case have not been resolved, and fears that Georgia might execute an innocent man have not been allayed.

Carter issued a statement Friday asking the parole board to reconsider the case, saying it illustrates the deep flaws in the application of the death penalty in this country.

Carter wrote that executing Troy Davis without a real examination of potentially exonerating evidence risks taking the life of an innocent man and would be a grave miscarriage of justice.

Georgians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty and the NAACP said Saturday they are planning another rally at 11 a.m. Monday in front of the State Capitol to urge the parole board to reconsider or the state Supreme Court to stay the execution of Davis while his case is appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Davis is convicted of killing MacPhail, on Aug. 19, 1989. Since Davis 1991 trial, several key witnesses have recanted their testimony. Witness testimony formed the core of the prosecutions case because physical evidence was scant: no murder weapon, no fingerprints, no DNA.

The case has attracted worldwide attention, with calls to stop his execution from Pope Benedict XVI, Amnesty International and Nobel Peace Prize-winner Desmond Tutu. Rallies have been held as far away as Paris.

Officer MacPhails mother, Anneliese MacPhail, 74, of Columbus, said Saturday she is disgusted by the outpouring of support for Davis. Its tearing me apart to see my sons name dragged through the mud because of all of this.

She said she had no doubt Davis is guilty. I hope this is over Tuesday and I can have some peace, she said.

She will not attend the scheduled execution, but three of my children will be in Jackson, she said.

GFADP also plans a vigil outside the Jackson jail, as well as a protest on the Capitol steps, both to begin at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Sharpton spent about 35 minutes with Davis on Saturday night, and said by phone that the death-row inmate reflected on how he became a murder suspect.

He said he got in with the wrong crowd and thought one of the guys he was hanging with killed [MacPhail], Sharpton said. He said young people should be careful who they hang around.

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By CRAIG SCHNEIDER, GAYLE WHITE The Grady hospital board voted Monday to give up most of its authority to a new management board, but it first wants ...Atlanta Journal Constitution - 195 related articles »Legislator List PageSenator Vincent D. Fort represents the city of Atlanta. - 7k - Cached - Similar pages
Georgia State Senator Vincent Fort (D-39)District Office: P.O. Box 42967 Atlanta GA 30311 Phone: (404)753-3163. Email: District 39 Democrat Committee Membership ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages
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Grady agrees to nonprofit management board - 15 hours ago
By CRAIG SCHNEIDER, GAYLE WHITE The Grady hospital board voted Monday to give up most of its authority to a new management board, but it first wants ...Atlanta Journal Constitution - 195 related articles »
Ga Senate - Vincent FortSenator Vincent Fort was elected to serve the 39th District in the Georgia Senate in 1996. His district is in Atlanta. Since taking office, Fort has been ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pages
Vincent Fort - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[Vincent D. Fort][1] (D.O.B. 4/28/56) was first elected to the Georgia State Senate from the 39th District in 1996. He represents part of Fulton County. ... - 20k - Cached - Similar pages
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Vincent Fort (D-Atlanta) warned his colleagues under the Gold Dome and the public in a long series of town hall meetings that predatory lenders were ... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Life in Haiti Through Pictures

Life in Haiti Through Pictures

Butterton Haiti Photos

The following are pictures from Larry Buttertons mission work and travels to Haiti. For more info on helping Haiti go to

Project Haiti '09

Project Haiti is a student run organization operating out of Penn State University Parks Catholic Campus Ministry. We were founded in 1997 by Father Fred Byrnes, O.S.B., in an effort to make Penn State students more personally aware of the economic disparity that exists between those living in the United States and those living in developing countries. Although the foundation of this group is within the Catholic Campus Ministry, our membership consists of students from all backgrounds. Project Haitis mission is to raise funds and awareness for Haiti, and to travel to Haiti to be in solidarity with the Haitian people.

Monday, January 11, 2010

NATEPERKINS.TV: The Queen Of Late Night Talk Show Bev Smith In Atlanta


New Biook: Coretta Scott King In Remembrance Of

Description: “Delivers A Frightening Political Debates That Will Change Americans Moral Questions On Injustice.” Clip: Coretta Scott King In Remembrance Of. Martin Luther King, Jr. Was A Republican Documentary Film. (62 min) Watch Film Trailer:  all » "Martin Luther King Was A Republican Documentary Film DVD"

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NATEPERKINS.TV: Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. Was A Republican Documentary Film

BRILLIANT. Martin Luther King, Jr. Was A Republican. Documentary Film (58 min). "Delivers A Frightening Political Debates That will Change Americans Moral Questions ... On Injustice." Directed by Nathaniel "Nate" William Perkins. FOR ONE STIMULATING MENTAL TRIP. NATE PERKINS IS NOT STOPPING FOR DIRECTIONS." Script: A Documentary on the Life of LTC Nathaniel "Nate" William Perkins, Retired, USA. Pam: Dr. King was a real man. Tina: You know. . He was a Republican. Pam: Dr. King, a Republican? Really? Tina: Democrats passed those Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan. Pam: The Klan . . . White hoods and sheets?

Nate Perkins Enterprises, LLC (NPE) is an Internet Protocol TV company based in Atlanta, dedicated to the creation and production of original documentary films about contemporary moral history, social and political issues in America Neoconservatives Legacy.

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Atlanta's TV/Radio iReporter Host Nate Perkins: In my work with emerging leaders, I've discovered many ways in which marketers have totally missed the mark with Generation Y consumers by not acknowledging their motivators. So let me clue you in to the ways in which you can effectively connect with this growing market of savvy spenders. Generation Yers want to know that you care enough to find out what makes them tick.this generation of youth born after 1977 represents more than 70 million consumers in the United States.