Black Female 932,606 (an increase of 136,280 since August 1, 2008)
Black Male 648,576 (an increase of 112,507 since August 1, 2008)
Blacks total: 1,581,182 an increase of 250,431 since July 1, 2008
White Female 1,858,492 (an increase of 220,661 since August 1, 2008)
White Male 1,658,492 (an increase of 211,013 since August 1, 2008)
Whites total: 3,516,984 an increase of 433,785 since July 1, 2008
Asian-PI Female 32,048 (an increase of 4,836 since August 1, 2008)
Asian-PI Male 29,818 (an increase of 4,052 since August 1, 2008)
Hispanic-LT Female 38,614 (an increase of 6,129 since August 1, 2008)
Hispanic-LT Male 33,985 (an increase of 5,219 since August 1, 2008)
Indian/Native American Female 428 (an increase of 93 since August 1, 2008)
Indian/Native American Male 319 (an increase of 42 since August 1, 2008)
Other 256,117 (an increase of 4,315 since August 1, 2008)
Total 5,489,495 (an increase of 743,956 since August 1, 2008 and 747,997 since July 1, 2008 )
Georgia Active Voter Registration Data by Demographics
As of August 1, 2008
Black Female 796,326 (an increase of 1,007 since July 1, 2008)
Black Male 536,069 (an increase of 637 since July 1, 2008)
White Female 1,637,831 (an increase of 1,050 since July 1, 2008)
White Male 1,447,479 (an increase of 1,061 since July 1, 2008)
Asian-PI Female 27,778 (an increase of 41 since July 1, 2008)
Asian-PI Male 25,766 (an increase of 50 since July 1, 2008)
Hispanic-LT Female 32,485 (an increase of 68 since July 1, 2008)
Hispanic-LT Male 28,227 (an increase of 43 since July 1, 2008)
Indian/Native American Female 335 (an increase of 0 since July 1, 2008)
Indian/Native American Male 277 (an increase of 5 since July 1, 2008)
Other 212,966 (an increase of 79 since July 1, 2008)
Total 4,745,539 (an increase of 4,041 since July 1, 2008)
Georgia Active Voter Registration Data by Demographics
As of July 1, 2008
Black Female 795,319
Black Male 535,432
White Female 1,636,781
White Male 1,446,418
Asian-PI Female 27,737
Asian-PI Male 25,716
Hispanic-Latino (of any race or ethnicity) Female 32,417
Hispanic-Latino (of any race or ethnicity ) Male 28,184
Indian/Native American Female 335
Indian/Native American Male 272
Other 212,887
Total 4,741,498
North Carolina
Voter Registration as of September 18, 2008
General Election - Nov. 4
Last day to register to vote: October 10, 2008
Mail-In Voting: September 15 - October 28, 2008
One Stop Reg. and Voting: October 16 - November 1, 2008
Democratic: 2,705,345
(an increase of 29,390 since August 12, 2008 and since July 21 an increase of 66,322)
Republican: 1,948,356
(an increase of 9,521 since August 12, 2008 and since July 21 an increase of 21,935)
Libertarian: 1,148
(an increase of 511 since August 12, 2008 and since July 21 an increase of 818)
(an increase of 24,764 since August 12, 2008 and since July 21 an increase of 53,791)
Total: 5,968,860
(an increase of 64,213 since August 12, 2008 and since July 21 an increase of 142,866)
North Carolina
Voter Registration as of August 12, 2008
Democratic: 2,675,955 (an increase of 36,932 since July 21, 2008)
Republican: 1,938,835 (an increase of 12,414 since July 21, 2008)
Libertarian: 637 (an increase of 307 since July 21, 2008)
Unaffiliated: 1,289,247 (an increase of 29,027 since July 21, 2008)
Total: 5,904,674 (an increase of 78,680 since July 21, 2008)
North Carolina
Voter Registration as of July 21, 2008
Democratic: 2,639,023
Republican: 1,926,421
Libertarian: 330
Unaffiliated: 1,260,220
Total: 5,825,994
Population by State 2007
Black/African American Population 40,744,132
States located in the South shown in bold*
Rank Black/African American Population/ Percentage of total population/Total state population and rank /Electoral College votes for 2008 Presidential Election.
1. New York 3,520,002 (18.2%) (total state population 19,297,729 rank 3) Electoral College votes: 31
2. Florida 3,009,773* (16.5%) (total state population 18,251,243 rank 4) Electoral College votes: 27
3. Texas 2,971,494 (12.4) (total state population 23,904,380 rank 2) Electoral College votes: 34
4. Georgia 2,923,725* (30.6%) (total state population 9,544,750 rank 9) Electoral College votes: 15
5. California 2,718,070 (7.4%) (total state population 36,553,215 rank 1) Electoral College votes: 55
6. North Carolina 2,021,579* (22.3%) (total state population 9,061,032 rank 10) Electoral Colle ge votes: 15
7. Illinois 1,999,258 (15.5%) (total state population 12,852,548 rank 5) Electoral College votes: 21
8. Maryland 1,705,996* (30.4%) (total state population 5,618,344 rank 19) Electoral College votes: 10
9. Virginia 1,599,430* (20.7%) (total state population 7,712,091 rank 12) Electoral College votes: 13
10. Michigan 1,517,854 (15%) (total state population 10,071,822 rank 8) Electoral College votes: 17
11. Ohio 1,462,857 (12.8%) (total state population 11,466,917 rank 7) Electoral College votes: 20
12. Pennsylvania 1,415,413 (11.4%) (total state population 12,432,792 rank 6) Electoral College votes: 21
13. Louisiana 1,388,217* (32.3%) (total state population 4,293,204 rank 25) Electoral College votes: 9
14. New Jersey 1,323,662 (15.2%) (total state population 8,685,920 rank 11) Electoral College votes: 15
15. South Carolina 1,289,010* (29.2%) (total state population 4,407,709 rank 24) Electoral College votes: 8
16. Alabama 1,242,344* (27.0%) (total state population 4,627,851 rank 23) Electoral College votes: 9
17. Mississippi 1,098,181* (37.6%) (total state population 2,918,785 rank 31) Electoral College votes: 6
18. Tennessee 1,068,139* (17.3%) (total state population 6,156,719 rank 17) Electoral College votes: 11
19. Missouri 712,614 (12.1%) (total state population 5,878,415 rank 18) Electoral College votes: 11
20. Indiana 610,472 (9.6%) (total state population 6,345,289 rank 15) Electoral College votes: 11
21. Massachusetts 494,190 (7.7%%) (total state population 6,449,755 rank 14) Electoral College votes: 12
22. Arkansas 461,223* (16.3%) (total state population 2,834,797 rank 32) Electoral College votes: 6
23. Connecticut 389,076 (11.1%) (total state population 3,502,309 rank 29) Electoral College votes: 7
24. Wisconsin 368,925 (6.6%) (total state popul ation 5,601,640 rank 20) Electoral College votes: 10
25. Kentucky 348,495* (8.2%) (total state population 4,241,474 rank 26) Electoral College votes: 8
26. District of Columbia 331,110*(56.2%) (total state population 588,292 rank Electoral College votes: 3
27. Oklahoma 320,804 (8.7%) (total state population 3,617,316 rank 28) Electoral College votes: 7
28. Washington 297,551 (4.6%) (total state population 6,468,424 rank 13) Electoral College votes: 11
29. Arizona 292,250 (4.6%) (total state population 6,338,755 rank 16) Electoral College votes: 10
30. Minnesota 272,346 (5.2%) (total state population 5,197,621 rank 21) Electoral College votes: 10
31. Colorado 239,525 (4.9%) (total state population 4,861,515 rank 22) Electoral College votes: 9
32. Nevada 226,652 (8.8%) (total state population 2,565,382 rank 35) Electoral College votes: 5
33. Kansas 190,666 (6.9%) (total state population 2,775,997 rank 33) Electoral College votes: 6
34. Delaware 187,929 (21.7%) (total state population 864,764 rank 45) Electoral College votes: 3
35. Oregon 97,655 (2.6%) (total state population 3,747,455 rank 27) Electoral College votes: 5
36. Iowa 93,465 (3.1%) (total state population 2,988,046 rank 30) Electoral College votes: 7
37. Nebraska 89,243 (5.0%) (total state population 1,774,571 rank 38) Electoral College votes: 5
38. Rhode Island 76,718 (7.3%) (total state population 1,057,832 rank 43) Electoral College votes: 4
39. West Virginia 71,574 (3.9%) (total state population 1,812,035 rank 37) Electoral College votes: 5
40. New Mexico 66,319 (3.4%) (total state population 1,969,915 rank 36) Electoral College votes:5
41. Hawaii 48,852 (3.8%) (total state population 1,283,388 rank 42) Electoral College votes: 4
42. Utah 43,990 (1.7%) (total state population 2,645,330 rank 34) Electoral College votes: 5
43. Alaska 36,05 6 (5.3%) (total state population 683,478 rank 47) Electoral College votes: 3
44. New Hampshire 20,416 (1.6%) (total state population 1,315,828 rank 41) Electoral College votes: 4
45. Idaho 18,239 (1.2%) (total state population 1,499,402 rank 39) Electoral College votes: 4
46. Maine 17,052 (1.3%) (total state population 1,317,207 rank 40) Electoral College votes: 4
47. South Dakota 12,203 (1.5%) (total state population 796,214 rank 46) Electoral College votes: 3
48. Montana 9,100 (0.95%) (total state population 957,861 rank 44) Electoral College votes: 3
49. North Dakota 8,939 (1.3%) (total state population 639,715 rank 48) Electoral College votes: 3
50. Wyoming 8,365 (1.6%) (total state population 522,830 rank 50) Electoral College votes: 3
51. Vermont 7,114 (1.1%) (total state population 621,254 rank 49) Electoral College votes: 3