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Monday, October 27, 2008

NATEPERKINS.TV: F.B.I. is Now on A National ACORN Investigation on Voter Registration Fraud-Atlanta

NATEPERKINS.TV: Georgia Check Point - On Obama, On Acorn and On Voter Registration
ACORN/Project Vote voting drive targeted states Obama needs to win ...
Oct 6, 2008 ... Acorn's voter fraud registration must be investigated. Also, Obama's involvement must be investigated. With the increasing number of ...
Accusations come on the heels of Republican John McCain's fraud attacks against community organization Acorn-Atlanta, GA.US elections 2008 - nine days to go
US election: Republican operative faces voter registration fraud charges

While John McCain has attacked the liberal US community group Acorn for alleged voter registration fraud, the Republican party continues to employ operatives facing fraud accusations including one who faces criminal perjury charges.

Democrats are accusing McCain of hypocrisy after the weekend arrest of Mark Jacoby, a California Republican operative. Jacoby has been accused of voter registration fraud after registering himself to vote at two homes where he did not live.

The arrest comes after McCain and running mate Sarah Palin attempted to tie Barack Obama's campaign to Acorn, playing up a federal investigation of the group's voter registration tactics in several states.

"Over the past few weeks we've heard John McCain denounce voter fraud on the campaign trail while the [Republican party] hurls false attacks, so the question is: where is the outrage now?" Democratic spokesman Karen Finney asked yesterday.

Jacoby is the second Republican operative revealed this week to possess a questionable record on voter registration. Nathan Sproul who has been investigated by Congress for allegedly destroying voter registration forms and intimidating voters got paid $175,000 by the McCain camp this year.

"The Republicans [and] the McCain campaign have been hammering away for weeks with the same old Washington politics," Democratic party lawyer Joe Sandler said in a statement.

"In fact, none of the charges that they've been talking about have actually panned out."

Democrats called on McCain to cut his ties to both voter-registration operatives, citing frequent Republican attacks on Acorn. Obama represented Acorn as an attorney years before beginning his political career, and the group has endorsed him this year, but his camp has denied any link to Acorn's voter-registration activities.

The California Republican party told a local newspaper yesterday that their contract with Jacoby ended this week, after the state's voter registration period expired. No announcement has been made about the renewal of the contract.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Michelle Malkin :: Columnist
The ACORN/Obama Voter Registration "Thug Thizzle"
by Michelle Malkin

Systemic corruption of our election process continues. Barack Obama and his old friends at ACORN and Project Vote are leading the way. This radical revolution is taking place in your backyard. And as I've reported before, this voter-fraud racket is on your dime.

On Monday, the two liberal groups announced the wrap-up of a 21-state voter registration drive targeting low-income people and minorities in battleground states including Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Florida, New Mexico and Wisconsin.

What's wrong with that? For starters, these two groups are militant partisan outfits purporting to engage in nonpartisan civic activity. And their campaign comes amid an avalanche of fresh voter-fraud allegations involving ACORN in many of those same key states.

On Tuesday, Nevada state officials raided ACORN's Las Vegas office after election authorities accused the group of submitting multiple voter registrations with fake and duplicate names.

ACORN, which receives 40 percent of its revenues from American taxpayers to pursue an aggressive welfare-state agenda, has already helped register over 1.27 million people nationwide. The rest of their funding comes from left-wing heavyweights like billionaire George Soros and the Democracy Alliance.

Project Vote, a 501(c)(3) organization, was founded by left-wing lawyer Sandy Newman to register voters in welfare offices and unemployment lines with the explicit goal of turning back the Reagan revolution.

The two groups are inextricably linked -- and at their nexus is Barack Obama.

In 1992, Newman hired Obama to lead Project Vote efforts in Illinois. The Illinois drive's motto: "It's a Power Thing."

As previously noted in this column ("The ACORN Obama Knows," June 25, 2008), Obama also trained ACORN members in Chicago. In turn, ACORN volunteers worked on his Illinois campaigns and ACORN's PAC endorsed his primary bid with full backing and muscle.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

NATEPERKINS.TV: The New World Coca-Cola Tour Happiness-Factory Theater Downtown Atlanta

Syndicate "Nate Perkins Live: IPTV Show" - Colin Powell endorses Obama (CNN) -- Former Secretary of State Colin Powell announced ...
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Nate --

A record 100,000 people rallied with Barack in St. Louis yesterday, and another 75,000 in Kansas City last night. Back in Chicago, we were tallying up our latest fundraising numbers.

Supporters like you have completely transformed how political campaigns raise money, so I wanted you to be the first to know how we did in September.

I recorded a short video to share the latest numbers:

Watch the video

When Barack entered this race, he put his faith in the power of ordinary supporters like you coming together and building a movement for change from the bottom up.

That's exactly how we got this far -- and you should feel proud of all we have accomplished together.

But with just 16 days left in this election, we can't slow down now. Please take a minute to watch the video and find out where we stand:

Thanks for everything you're doing,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


Paid for by Obama for America

NATEPERKINS.TV: American's Poor Class Making $6.50 Per hour ...
I think he is a transformational figure," Powell said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "Obama displayed a steadiness. Showed intellectual vigor. He has a definitive way of doing business that will do us well," Powell said. ...
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NATEPERKINS.TV: American's Poor Class Making $6.50 Per hour ...
I think he is a transformational figure," Powell said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "Obama displayed a steadiness. Showed intellectual vigor. He has a definitive way of doing business that will do us well," Powell said. ...
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Colin Powell endorses Obama
(CNN) -- Former Secretary of State Colin Powell announced Sunday that he will be voting for Sen. Barack Obama, citing the Democrat's "ability to inspire" and the "inclusive nature of his campaign."  "He has both style and substance. I think he is a transformational figure," Powell said on NBC's "Meet the Press."  "Obama displayed a steadiness. Showed intellectual vigor. He has a definitive way of doing business that will do us well," Powell said.   Powell, a retired U.S. general and a Republican, was once seen as a possible presidential candidate himself.
Powell said he questioned Sen. John McCain's judgment in picking Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate because he doesn't think she is ready to be president.  He also said he was disappointed with som e of McCain's campaign tactics, such as bringing up Obama's ties to former 1960s radical Bill Ayers.  Powell served as secretary of state under President Bush from 2001 to 2005.  The notion of a Powell endorsement has been rumored for several months.  On August 13, Powell's office denied a report on Fox by commentator Bill Kristol that Powell had decided to publicly back Obama at the Democratic National Convention.  Several sources said at the time that Powell had not made a decision about a possible endorsement.
"As always, he is holding his cards close and waiting for more information," one adviser told CNN's John King in August.  Powell himself brushed off queries on any potential presidential nod but told ABC News on August 13 that he would not be going to Denver, Colorado, for the convention.
"I do not have time to waste on Bill Kristol's musings," he said. "I am not going to the convention. I have made this clear."  In Febr uary, Powell told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that he was weighing an endorsement of a Democratic or independent candidate.  "I am keeping my options open at the moment," Powell said.  "I have voted for members of both parties in the course of my adult life. And as I said earlier, I will vote for the candidate I think can do the best job for America, whether that candidate is a Republican, a Democrat or an independent," he added.
Powell has offered praise for Obama, calling him an "exciting person on the political stage."  "He has energized a lot of people in America," said Powell, who briefly weighed his own run for the White House in the mid-1990s. "He has energized a lot of people around the world. And so I think he is worth listening to and seeing what he stands for."  Powell's adviser has said that "he likes and admires John McCain, and that would be a factor in anything he does if he decides to get more involved."  Another source close to Powell said he has known the Republican nominee for more than three decades "and likes him and is looking for a reason to vote for him. He hasn't found it yet."  The former general, who has largely steered clear of politics since leaving the Bush administration, noted that the next president will need to work to restore America's standing in the world.  Powell gave the keynote address at the Republican National Convention in support of George W. Bush in 2000.  "I will ultimately vote for the person I believe brings to the American people the kind of vision the American people want to see for the next four years," he said. "A vision that reaches out to the rest of the world, that starts to restore confidence in America, that starts to restore favorable ratings to America. Frankly, we've lost a lot in recent years."  Powell's adviser also said at the time that the vice presidential picks for both candidates would be a major factor in his decision, both for the quality of each man's running mate and for what sort of "signal that choice sends about the character and judgment of the candidate."  He also said that a Powell decision to back Obama would not be a surprise.


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Nate PerkinsNate Perkins Live [TV] ChannelCEO
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NATEPERKINS.TV: American's Poor Class Making $6.50 Per hour- Aftermath of Tornado, Colin Powell endorses Obama...

Obama Family,

Colin Powell endorses Obama
(CNN) -- Former Secretary of State Colin Powell announced Sunday that he will be voting for Sen. Barack Obama, citing the Democrat's "ability to inspire" and the "inclusive nature of his campaign."  "He has both style and substance. I think he is a transformational figure," Powell said on NBC's "Meet the Press."  "Obama displayed a steadiness. Showed intellectual vigor. He has a definitive way of doing business that will do us well," Powell said.   Powell, a retired U.S. general and a Republican, was once seen as a possible presidential candidate himself.
Powell said he questioned Sen. John McCain's judgment in picking Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate because he doesn't think she is ready to be president.  He also said he was disappointed with som e of McCain's campaign tactics, such as bringing up Obama's ties to former 1960s radical Bill Ayers.  Powell served as secretary of state under President Bush from 2001 to 2005.  The notion of a Powell endorsement has been rumored for several months.  On August 13, Powell's office denied a report on Fox by commentator Bill Kristol that Powell had decided to publicly back Obama at the Democratic National Convention.  Several sources said at the time that Powell had not made a decision about a possible endorsement.
"As always, he is holding his cards close and waiting for more information," one adviser told CNN's John King in August.  Powell himself brushed off queries on any potential presidential nod but told ABC News on August 13 that he would not be going to Denver, Colorado, for the convention.
"I do not have time to waste on Bill Kristol's musings," he said. "I am not going to the convention. I have made this clear."  In Febr uary, Powell told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that he was weighing an endorsement of a Democratic or independent candidate.  "I am keeping my options open at the moment," Powell said.  "I have voted for members of both parties in the course of my adult life. And as I said earlier, I will vote for the candidate I think can do the best job for America, whether that candidate is a Republican, a Democrat or an independent," he added.
Powell has offered praise for Obama, calling him an "exciting person on the political stage."  "He has energized a lot of people in America," said Powell, who briefly weighed his own run for the White House in the mid-1990s. "He has energized a lot of people around the world. And so I think he is worth listening to and seeing what he stands for."  Powell's adviser has said that "he likes and admires John McCain, and that would be a factor in anything he does if he decides to get more involved."  Another source close to Powell said he has known the Republican nominee for more than three decades "and likes him and is looking for a reason to vote for him. He hasn't found it yet."  The former general, who has largely steered clear of politics since leaving the Bush administration, noted that the next president will need to work to restore America's standing in the world.  Powell gave the keynote address at the Republican National Convention in support of George W. Bush in 2000.  "I will ultimately vote for the person I believe brings to the American people the kind of vision the American people want to see for the next four years," he said. "A vision that reaches out to the rest of the world, that starts to restore confidence in America, that starts to restore favorable ratings to America. Frankly, we've lost a lot in recent years."  Powell's adviser also said at the time that the vice presidential picks for both candidates would be a major factor in his decision, both for the quality of each man's running mate and for what sort of "signal that choice sends about the character and judgment of the candidate."  He also said that a Powell decision to back Obama would not be a surprise.


RSVP "YES WE DID" CELEBRATION 11.04.08 below at:

Saturday, October 18, 2008


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Nate --

There's nothing like being on the campaign trail with Barack -- right at the heart of the largest and most inspiring grassroots movement in the history of politics.

Our team put together a video that captures that energy, and I had to share it with you.

You already know how it feels to own a piece of this incredible movement. Will you watch the video and -- when Barack needs you most -- make another donation of $100 or more?


It's taken a lot of hard work to get this far, but we still have millions of voters to contact in a very short time.

This week alone, we need to grow this movement by 100,000 new donors -- but we're almost there.

If you make a donation before tonight's deadline, you can match the gift of a first time donor and double your impact.

Please watch this short video and make a matched donation of $100 or more for the change we need:

Barack will be the underdog until he's in the White House, so keep working, keep talking to your friends and neighbors, and together we can change the world.

Thank you for your commitment, passion, and hard work,


Rapper T.I. arrested, later wins 2 BET awards - USATODAY.comGrammy-winning rapper TI was arrested just hours before he was to take the stage at the BET Hip-Hop Awards after federal officials said he had paid his ... - 49k - Cached - Similar pages
ATLANTA (AP) Grammy-winning rapper T.I. was arrested just hours before he was to take the stage at the BET Hip-Hop Awards after federal officials said he had paid his bodyguard to buy machine guns and silencers for him.

The self-proclaimed King of the South, who was up for nine nominations, won two awards. But he couldn't accept any trophies or make the planned performance after being arrested by federal authorities early Saturday.

T.I. was taken into custody in a shopping center parking lot where federal officials said he planned to pick up machine guns and silencers he had his bodyguard buy for him.

The arrest Saturday resulted from an investigation that began this month when a federal firearms licensee contacted the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives about a man inquiring about buying a machine gun without registering the weapon as required by law, according to a criminal complaint filed Saturday in U.S. District Court in Atlanta.

After trying to buy several machine guns from an undercover ATF agent, the unnamed person began cooperating with the government and said he was buying the machine guns and silencers for Clifford Harris, T.I.'s given name, the complaint said. According to the bodyguard, he had bought about nine firearms for T.I., and the rapper had given him cash to buy guns four different times, it said.

FIND MORE STORIES IN: Atlanta | Awards | Kanye West | Hip-hop | Outkast | TI | Clifford Harris

Harris brokered the deals through the bodyguard because he is a convicted felon, the complaint alleged. It is against federal law for a convicted felon to have another person get firearms on their behalf.

The 27-year-old rapper had arranged to pick up the weapons just hours before he was to take the stage at the Hip-Hop Awards, being taped blocks away, according to the complaint.

Sydney Margetson, a spokesman for T.I.'s label, Atlantic Records, declined to comment Saturday.

As the Hip-Hop Awards were being taped in Atlanta on Saturday night, federal authorities were searching T.I.'s home in East Point, about 15 miles southwest of the city.

Half a dozen agents were still searching well into the night, removing boxes and envelopes from the large, red brick house with white columns and ornate glass windows, removing boxes and envelopes.

T.I. had been expected to perform at the BET show, which is to be broadcast Wednesday, and was nominated in nine categories. Instead, the rapper was noticeably absent from red carpet festivities before the show began at 6 p.m., though he was at the center where the show was to be taped.

Saturday was supposed to be a day of revelry for T.I., the co-chief executive of Grand Hustle Records. The self-proclaimed King of the South won three awards at last year's inaugural BET Hip-Hop Awards and received nine nominations this year, including CD of the Year, Lyricist of the Year and MVP of the Year.

Even though the Atlanta-based rapper was present at the Civic Center, where the event was held, he became noticeably absent from the red carpet festivities before the show.

The news of T.I. being arrested rippled throughout the event. Rapper KRS-One, who received BET's "I am Hip Hop" Icon Award, learned about the raid just before he showed up.

KRS-One, whose real name is Lawrence Parker, said the fellow rapper's legal woes should not reflect on the industry as a whole.

"I'm saddened anytime I hear of a hip-hopper being locked up or somehow stunted in his life or his growth," he told The Associated Press. "I hope he wasn't into nothing crazy."

Chicago rapper Common, who won the CD of the year award along with T.I., tried to lend his support.

"I salute my guy T.I., who also won, wherever he is," said Common, while raising up his trophy. He also won lyricist of the year.

Other artists who were supposed to perform with T.I. still pulled off the performance. As Wyclef Jean stood on stage to enact T.I.'s song, "You Know What It Is," host and comedian Katt Williams pranced across the stage dressed like T.I. trying to impersonate him as the crowd burst into laughter.

Alfamega still took the stage with Busta Rhymes for the song "Hurt." As the two rapped, many of the audience members stood seemingly puzzled at T.I.'s absence.

Kanye West was a winner in two categories best live performance and hip-hop video. After West got his trophy for best hip-hop video, he said he thought the video for UGK's "International Players," featuring OutKast, should have been chosen over his.

"I didn't deserve this award above them. They do instead of me," said West, who is typically known more for comments that critics call arrogant.

But Big Boi of OutKast returned the favor to West by giving him the award back saying, "You worked too hard for this. No, you deserve it."

The Hip Hop Awards will air on Oct. 17.

T.I.'s sixth album, T.I. vs. T.I.P., was released July 3 and debuted at No. 1.

In May 2006, T.I.'s best friend, Philant Johnson, was killed and three others were injured in a gun shootout after a post-performance party in Cincinnati. The killer remains at large, and T.I. was briefly locked up a few days after the funeral on suspicion of failing to perform community service stemming from a 2003 arrest.

T.I. grew up in Atlanta and was selling crack by the time he was a teenager. After years of hustling to launch his rap career, recording demos and flying back and forth to New York shopping for a record deal, his first taste of success came with his 2003 album, Trap Muzik.

But the next year, warrants were issued for his arrest on probation violations for a drug conviction, and he was sentenced to three years behind bars. It wasn't clear Saturday how much of the sentence he actually served.

T.I. hit the big screen in his debut movie, ATL, in March 2006. He has a role opposite Academy Award winners Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe in American Gangster, set for release Nov. 2.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Beyoncé, Jennifer Hudson Top BET Awards - BET Awards, Beyonce ...
Michael Eric DysonDr. Michael Eric Dyson is the author of Is Bill Cosby Right? Or Has the Black Middle Class Lost Its Mind?; The Michael Eric Dyson Reader; Open Mike; ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages
Michael Dyson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"Michael Eric Dyson." The Greenwood Encyclopedia of African American Literature. ... ISBN 0-465-01763-0; The Michael Eric Dyson Reader, New York: Basic ... - 26k -
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nateperkins@bellsouth.netHome : 1-770-331-4002
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A New Civil Rights Movement Lead BY Martin Luther King, III (Jena,LA, USA) Part One

Martin Luther King III looks ahead as new president ofHe will be able to lead this organization in participating in the redefining of America." ... Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement. ... - 80k FREE TV-Channel IP[TV]:
New Georgia Encyclopedia: Civil Rights Movement
Andrew Young, An Easy Burden: The Civil Rights Movement and the Transformation of America (New York: HarperCollins, 1996). Stephen Tuck, Pembroke College, ... - 54k
'Jena 6' rally: Beginning of 21st century civil rights movement?
This could be the beginning of a 21st century civil rights movement to challenge disparities in the justice system, he said, and he said he planned a ...
A New Civil Rights Movement for People of ColorWhat African, Hispanic, and Asian Americans can do to protect their Civil Rights. - 31k
Martin Luther King, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMovement:, African-American Civil Rights Movement ...... Martin Luther King Jr.'s, A New Sense of Direction (1968) article published in WorldView magazine. ...,_Jr. - 183k ****Jena 6 On World News :
As we approach the 50th anniversary of the integration of Central High School, another case in Louisiana is getting attention.

The students who integrated Central High in 1957 became known as the Little Rock Nine. Today, they are being joined by the "Jena Six."

Six black teenagers are accused of attacking a white teenager at school. The question is, was it attempted murder, or is it a case of racial injustice.

The answer to that question could mean the difference between freedom and years in prison.

CNNs Susan Roesgen has the story from Jena, La. Click the THVideo icon to watch.
 A New Civil Rights Movement Lead BY Martin Luther King, III (Jena, LA, USA) add to favorites
1. Join The Dream Team: A New Civil Rights Movement Lead BY Martin Luther King, III (Jena,LA, USA)

2. Help Spread the Word and thank you, for watching T.V. Channel, Nate Perkins


Atlanta's Rapper SuperStar: T.I. King & Friends Donated Thousand Dollars To Help Hosea's Feed The Hu

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NATEPERKINS.TV: Beverly Hills Designer Timmy Woods Does THE OBAMA ...Oct 10, 2008 ... The Obama Handbag - Limited 150 Piece Edition On TV's Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw inspired women to think outside the boxy bag and ... - 14 hours ago

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Rev. Dr. Richard H. Cobble: HIGH+GAS+PRICES Announces That He Will Serve Holy Communion at the BP Gas - Atlanta, more @ NATEPERKINS.TV
Well, we've been waiting for it... and last week, it happened.  In an attempt to paint Barack Obama as untrustworthy, the McCain campaign unleashed a series of baseless smears that irresponsibly ignited a growing undercurrent of anger among its supporters.

They've made insidious insinuations about terrorist connections and invoked his middle name to prey on people's fears in a desperate and reckless attempt to revive their fading candidate.

We felt these actions required a rapid response.  One designed to expose the smears for what they truly are... totally absurd.
Click on the picture below to watch The Name Game.  (Or go to the following link:
Please forward it to everyone you know... particularly undecided voters! 


The Name Game

NATEPERKINS.TV: Reverends Jesse Jackson's Oprah is the New "Jesse Jackson"

Reverends Jesse Jackson: Oprah is the New Jesse

And Oprah shall lead them all. The talk show and lifestyle guru tops the list of Forbes 100 Most Powerful Celebrities.

It was a year of conquest in Hollywood. The worldwide box office soared to a record $25.8 billion, buoyed by global blockbusters like Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" and Sony's "The Da Vinci Code." Madonna reclaimed her title as the mightiest force in music, thanks to her record-breaking Confessions tour, which drew over a million fans and generated $195 million in ticket sales. And golf ace Tiger Woods banked $100 million, more in a single year than any athlete in history.

Tinseltown's triumphs are reflected in this year's Celebrity 100, Forbes' annual list of the world's most powerful and best-paid celebrities. To generate the list, Forbes analyzes celebrity earnings, plus media metrics like Google hits, press mentions as compiled by Lexis/Nexis, TV and radio mentions from Factiva and the number of times an A-lister appears on the cover of 32 major consumer magazines.

Earnings estimates are for June 2006 to June 2007 and consist of dollars earned solely from entertainment-related income. Management, agent and attorney fees have not been deducted.

Entire Story

Williams-Brice Stadium (Photo:

Barack Obamas campaign has just moved its Oprah event on Sunday from an arena in Columbia seating 18,000 to a football stadium with a capacity of more than 80,000.

Tickets, which are free, went quickly on Monday, when they were first available, and the campaign had to shut down its distribution system. Now, the campaign says, tickets arent even necessary, although it hopes people will RSVP through its Web site.

The new venue is Williams-Brice Stadium at the University of South Carolina. Doors open at 12:30 p.m., Eastern and the event starts at 2:30 p.m.

Oprah is the New Jesse
Human Events, DC - 18 hours ago
by Monica Crowley Even as recently as four years ago, Democratic candidates had to genuflect before the Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, ...
Jackson Plans Wall Street March on Housing `Crisis' (Update1)
Bloomberg - Dec 4, 2007
4 (Bloomberg) -- Civil rights leaders including Jesse Jackson, founder of the Rainbow PUSH coalition, plan to hold rallies in New York City's Wall Street ...
Jesse Jackson plans rally against foreclosures Reuters
all 4 news articles »
Briefs: Jesse Jackson plans rally in New York
Chicago Daily Herald, IL - 20 hours ago
NEW YORK -- Activist Jesse Jackson will hold a rally on Wall Street next week to persuade the financial community to help people who are foreclosing on ...
Jackson Jr.'s relatively critical
Chicago Sun-Times, United States - Dec 3, 2007
Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) writes in a Sun-Times column running today on the paper's editorial pages that White House hopeful Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) is ...
Rep. Jesse Jackson Voices Support Of Obama
Jesse Jr. to Jesse Sr.: You're wrong on Obama, dad Chicago Sun-Times
all 5 news articles »
Michigan business news
Detroit Free Press, United States - 18 hours ago
Jesse Jackson, founder of the Rainbow PUSH coalition, plan to hold rallies in seven cities -- including Detroit -- to call for a corporate response to ...
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Nate PerkinsNate Perkins Live [TV] ChannelCEO
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NATEPERKINS.TV: MOVIE Barack Obama's | "YES WE CAN" Change Presidential Campaign Speeches

MOVIE: Barack Obama | "YES WE CAN" Change Presidential Campaign Speech

NATEPERKINS.TV: Beverly Hills Designer Timmy Woods Does THE OBAMA ...Oct 10, 2008 ... The Obama Handbag - Limited 150 Piece Edition On TV's Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw inspired women to think outside the boxy bag and ... - 14 hours ago
Rev. Dr. Richard H. Cobble: HIGH+GAS+PRICES Announces That He Will Serve Holy Communion at the BP Gas - Atlanta, more @ NATEPERKINS.TV
Movie: Barack Obama's Presidential Campaign Speeches Change We Can Believe In
Well, we've been waiting for it... and last week, it happened.  In an attempt to paint Barack Obama as untrustworthy, the McCain campaign unleashed a series of baseless smears that irresponsibly ignited a growing undercurrent of anger among its supporters.

They've made insidious insinuations about terrorist connections and invoked his middle name to prey on people's fears in a desperate and reckless attempt to revive their fading candidate.

We felt these actions required a rapid response.  One designed to expose the smears for what they truly are... totally absurd.
Click on the picture below to watch The Name Game.  (Or go to the following link:
Please forward it to everyone you know... particularly undecided voters! 


The Name Game



NATEPERKINS.TV: Beverly Hills Designer Timmy Woods Does THE OBAMA ...Oct 10, 2008 ... The Obama Handbag - Limited 150 Piece Edition On TV's Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw inspired women to think outside the boxy bag and ... - 14 hours ago
Nate --

You need to see some of the offensive attacks we're up against. I just recorded a short video on my laptop about John McCain's negative ads.

In the remaining 21 days, we need to be ready to respond to smears like these -- and worse.

We need to show that our supporters will fight back against the McCain campaign's low road tactics. That's why our goal is to bring 100,000 new donors into this movement before midnight on Friday, October 17th.

That means in Georgia we need 3,000 new donors to step up this week.

This is your last opportunity to match the donation of a fellow supporter and encourage them to give for the first time.

Your donation of $100 becomes $200 when it's matched by a new donor. Will you watch the video and double your impact by making a matching donation today?

Watch the video and double your impact

John McCain and his allies want smears and lies to drive this election.

That must be because the McCain campaign knows they don't have good answers for the issues that matter to ordinary people in Georgia -- like the economy, health care, and ending the war in Iraq responsibly. And they've flatly stated that if they talk about the economy, they will lose.

Instead, they keep coming up with new, outrageous attacks that are even more offensive and baseless than the ones before.

The issues facing our country are too important to let our next president be determined by petty political tactics.

Help reach the goal of 100,000 new donors this week. You can provide the vital resources needed to fight back against these attacks and show John McCain that there's a cost to his 100% negative campaign.

Double your impact today with a matched donation. Bring in a new donor and make sure we get the change we need on November 4th:

We've already seen the cost of eight years of failed policies.

With just 21 days left, we have to show John McCain the cost of ignoring the real issues and focusing on false, negative attacks.



David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America
Unite for Change Team
Obama for AmericaDear Nate --

Be the First to Know Barack Obama is about to make one of the most important decisions of this campaign -- choosing a running mate.

You have helped build this movement from the bottom up, and Barack wants you to be the first to know his choice.

Sign up today to be the first to know:

You will receive an email the moment Barack makes his decision, or you can text VP to 62262 to receive a text message on your mobile phone.

Once you've signed up, please forward this email to your friends, family, and coworkers to let them know about this special opportunity.

No other campaign has done this before. You can be part of this important moment.

Be the first to know who Barack selects as his running mate.



David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


Barack Obama | Event | Barack Obama's Birthday Bash
Official Website of Barack Obama 2008 Presidential Campaign. - 35k -
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Nate PerkinsNate Perkins Live [TV] ChannelCEO
Nate Perkins Enterprises
285 Centennial Olympic Park Dr
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Atlanta, Georgia 30313
nateperkins@bellsouth.netHome : 1-770-331-4002
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Cell : 770-331-4002
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NATEPERKINS.TV: Georgia's Jennifer Brook and Friends Celebrated ...
Video thumbnail. Click to play Click to Play. Dear NATE -- Join a Georgia Unite for Change Team I'm excited to announce that today, the Campaign for Change in Georgia is launching our Unite for Change Team program in every county and ...
Queen Of Late Night Talk Show... -

Over 5000 Global Videos To Download FREE!

Nate PerkinsNate Perkins Live [TV] ChannelCEO
Nate Perkins Enterprises
285 Centennial Olympic Park Dr
Suite 2302
Atlanta, Georgia 30313
nateperkins@bellsouth.netHome : 1-770-331-4002
Work : 770-331-4002
Cell : 770-331-4002
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NATEPERKINS.TV: Unite for Change Team TRAINING TAPE FOR OBAMA (ONLINE) GRASSROOT goto: for more information on grassroot training for you community...

NATEPERKINS.TV: Beverly Hills Designer Timmy Woods Does THE OBAMA ...Oct 10, 2008 ... The Obama Handbag - Limited 150 Piece Edition On TV's Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw inspired women to think outside the boxy bag and ... - 14 hours ago
Well, we've been waiting for it... and last week, it happened.  In an attempt to paint Barack Obama as untrustworthy, the McCain campaign unleashed a series of baseless smears that irresponsibly ignited a growing undercurrent of anger among its supporters.

They've made insidious insinuations about terrorist connections and invoked his middle name to prey on people's fears in a desperate and reckless attempt to revive their fading candidate.

We felt these actions required a rapid response.  One designed to expose the smears for what they truly are... totally absurd.
Click on the picture below to watch The Name Game.  (Or go to the following link:
Please forward it to everyone you know... particularly undecided voters! 


The Name Game

nateperkinstv has posted a video in response to NATEPERKINS.TV The Obama Handbag - Limited 150 Piece Edition.

Movie: Barack Obama's Presidential Campaign Speeches Change We Can Believe In

NATEPERKINS.TV: U.S. Supreme Court "Denies Troy Davis’ Execution"

ATLANTA,GA Oct 14, 2008 U.S. Supreme Court Denies Troy Davis Execution
You are here: Rad Geek Peoples Daily U.S. Supreme Court grants reprieve to Troy Davis
U.S. Supreme Court grants reprieve to Troy Davis (posted 23 September 2008)

The United States Supreme Court has issued a stay of execution to stop, at least for the time being, the State-mandated murder of Troy Davis.

The State of Georgia was planning to murder Troy Davis about an hour ago. They were planning to do so even though his conviction was based entirely on the testimony of nine eye-witnesses, seven of whom have since recanted their testimony and claimed that they were intimidated into giving false testimony by threats from the cops. Neither physical evidence nor a murder weapon was ever produced by the police. But the Georgia Board of Paroles and Pardons refused to give Davis a new evidentiary hearing, to investigate whether or not this man was about to be murdered based on nothing but lies, because a mans life means nothing next to the importance of finality in the States criminal system. Yesterday the Georgia Supreme Court refused to stay the execution because, in their view, U.S. Supreme Court properly has jurisdiction over Davis pending petition, and a mans life means nothing next to the importance of due deference to another judges turf. Never mind that, under normal circumstances, the U.S. Supreme Court would not even have been ready to hear Troy Daviss plea for a new evidentiary hearing until after the State of Georgia killed Davis. Thankfully, after agreeing to an emergency hearing, the Supreme Court did the right thing and put a halt to the killing, at least until after Daviss petition can be heard.

JACKSON, Georgia (CNN) The U.S. Supreme Court granted a last-minute reprieve to a Georgia man fewer than two hours before he was to be executed for the 1989 slaying of an off-duty police officer. Troy Anthony Davis, 39, has his execution stayed by the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday.

Troy Anthony Davis learned that his execution had been stayed when he saw it on television, he told CNN via telephone in his first interview after the stay was announced.

He said he was thankful to God for the news that came during an emergency session the U.S. Supreme Court convened.

Davis said everyone should pray for the slain officers family.

The 39-year-old also said that he is very grateful for everything that everyone is doing for him and that he would accept whatever decision the Supreme Court rendered in the coming days about his case.

At the Diagnostic and Classification Prison in Jackson, a crowd of Davis supporters, led by the Rev. Al Sharpton, erupted in cheers when Sharpton announced the stay. Some shouted Hallelujah!

Rusty Dornin, CNN (2008-09-23): U.S. Supreme Court stays Georgia execution

Contact Amnesty International USA
Amnesty International USA Contact Information. ... Suite 1060 Atlanta, GA 30308 phone: (404) 876-5661 fax: (404) 876-2276 1-866-A-REGION ... - 38k -
Death Penalty
Death Penalty information and resources including information on the use of the Death Penalty in the United States from Amnesty International. - 53k -

U.S. Supreme Court Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice, was born in the Pin Point community of Georgia near Savannah June 23, 1948. He married Virginia Lamp in 1987 and has one child, JamalAdeen, by a previous marriage. He attended Conception Seminary and received an A.B., cum laude, from Holy Cross College, and a J.D. from Yale Law School in 1974. He was admitted to law practice in Missouri in 1974, and served as an Assistant Attorney General of Missouri from 19741977, an attorney with the Monsanto Company from 19771979, and Legislative Assistant to Senator John Danforth from 19791981. From 19811982, he served as Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, and as Chairman of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission from 19821990. He became a Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuitin 1990. President Bush nominated him as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and he took his seat October 23, 1991.

U.S. Supreme Court Halts Troy Davis ExecutionSeptember 24th, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

NATEPERKINS.TV: Beverly Hills Designer Timmy Woods Does THE OBAMA BAG - LIMITED EDITION #150

ATLANTA, GA (NATEPERKINSTV) OCT 12, 2008. NATEPERKINS.TV EXCLUSION: Interview with Beverly Hills TIMMY WOOD's. Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama inspired celebrity handbag designer Timmy Woods to create a handbag based on the signs used by his campaign at rallies and speeches. - The Obama Handbag - Limited 150 Piece Edition On TV's Sex and the City, Carrie Bradshaw inspired women to think outside the boxy bag and instead pick up purses shaped like horse heads and telephones. In Sex and the City the movie, she's getting them to grab something monumental: the Eiffel Tower. This Parisian icon is by Beverly Hills designer Timmy Woods. Timmy's bags are carried and collected by celebrities like Liz Taylor, Diana Ross, Barbie Benton, Jody Fisher, Melanie Griffith and Hillary Clinton to name a few. The first Obama Handbag will be given to the senator's wife, Michelle. "I hope she will get it in time to wear to the convention [next week]," Woods whose work was featured on Sex and the City said in a statement.
Travel to the romantic streets of Paris whenever you carry this dazzling handbag. Handcrafted from acacia wood, this limited edition bag is dressed for a night on the town. Signed by Timmy Woods, the bag is embellished with over 6,400 Swarovski® crystals. As seen in a major motion picture, this bag makes any outfit sensational. Finished with a drop-in cord handle so you can carry as a clutch.

Timmy resides in Beverly Hills, California.  Her inspiration continues to be a genuine love of art and fashion, the joy she derives from global interchanges with people, desire to make others look and feel good and her belief in integrity and honesty. The Eiffel Tower with Swarovski Crystals by Timmy Woods Beverly Hills is worn by Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City movies first scenes. Read more about Timmy Woods handbags in an article by The Telegraph.

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Atlanta's TV/Radio iReporter Host Nate Perkins: In my work with emerging leaders, I've discovered many ways in which marketers have totally missed the mark with Generation Y consumers by not acknowledging their motivators. So let me clue you in to the ways in which you can effectively connect with this growing market of savvy spenders. Generation Yers want to know that you care enough to find out what makes them tick.this generation of youth born after 1977 represents more than 70 million consumers in the United States.