- Acorn Voter Fraud Latest News Acorn Voter Fraud Latest News Wiki Pages On Encyclocentral.com. ... Registration of voters is the countys responsibility and Georgia Voter Registration ...
www.encyclocentral.com/Acorn_Voter_Fraud-wikies.html - 55k - Cached - Similar pages - Acorn Voter Fraud Acorn Voter Fraud, Acorn, Acorn Housing, Acorn Raided, Acorn Recruitment, ... Registration of voters is the countys responsibility and Georgia Voter ...
www.encyclocentral.com/Acorn_Voter_Fraud-wiki.html - 55k - Cached - Similar pages
More results from www.encyclocentral.com » - FBI Investigating ACORN Voter Fraud Nationally « Quipster FBI is now on a national ACORN investigation on voter registration fraud relating to the ... And there is more in New York and upstate Washington, Georgia, ...relating to the presidential race
quipster.wordpress.com/2008/10/17/fbi-investigating-acorn-voter-fraud-nationally/ - 50k -

- Elana Schor in Washington
- guardian.co.uk,
- Wednesday October 22 2008 14.44 BST
- Article history
While John McCain has attacked the liberal US community group Acorn for alleged voter registration fraud, the Republican party continues to employ operatives facing fraud accusations including one who faces criminal perjury charges.
Democrats are accusing McCain of hypocrisy after the weekend arrest of Mark Jacoby, a California Republican operative. Jacoby has been accused of voter registration fraud after registering himself to vote at two homes where he did not live.
The arrest comes after McCain and running mate Sarah Palin attempted to tie Barack Obama's campaign to Acorn, playing up a federal investigation of the group's voter registration tactics in several states.
"Over the past few weeks we've heard John McCain denounce voter fraud on the campaign trail while the [Republican party] hurls false attacks, so the question is: where is the outrage now?" Democratic spokesman Karen Finney asked yesterday.
Jacoby is the second Republican operative revealed this week to possess a questionable record on voter registration. Nathan Sproul who has been investigated by Congress for allegedly destroying voter registration forms and intimidating voters got paid $175,000 by the McCain camp this year.
"The Republicans [and] the McCain campaign have been hammering away for weeks with the same old Washington politics," Democratic party lawyer Joe Sandler said in a statement.
"In fact, none of the charges that they've been talking about have actually panned out."
Democrats called on McCain to cut his ties to both voter-registration operatives, citing frequent Republican attacks on Acorn. Obama represented Acorn as an attorney years before beginning his political career, and the group has endorsed him this year, but his camp has denied any link to Acorn's voter-registration activities.
The California Republican party told a local newspaper yesterday that their contract with Jacoby ended this week, after the state's voter registration period expired. No announcement has been made about the renewal of the contract.
Systemic corruption of our election process continues. Barack Obama and his old friends at ACORN and Project Vote are leading the way. This radical revolution is taking place in your backyard. And as I've reported before, this voter-fraud racket is on your dime.
On Monday, the two liberal groups announced the wrap-up of a 21-state voter registration drive targeting low-income people and minorities in battleground states including Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Florida, New Mexico and Wisconsin.
What's wrong with that? For starters, these two groups are militant partisan outfits purporting to engage in nonpartisan civic activity. And their campaign comes amid an avalanche of fresh voter-fraud allegations involving ACORN in many of those same key states.
On Tuesday, Nevada state officials raided ACORN's Las Vegas office after election authorities accused the group of submitting multiple voter registrations with fake and duplicate names.
ACORN, which receives 40 percent of its revenues from American taxpayers to pursue an aggressive welfare-state agenda, has already helped register over 1.27 million people nationwide. The rest of their funding comes from left-wing heavyweights like billionaire George Soros and the Democracy Alliance.
Project Vote, a 501(c)(3) organization, was founded by left-wing lawyer Sandy Newman to register voters in welfare offices and unemployment lines with the explicit goal of turning back the Reagan revolution.
The two groups are inextricably linked -- and at their nexus is Barack Obama.
In 1992, Newman hired Obama to lead Project Vote efforts in Illinois. The Illinois drive's motto: "It's a Power Thing."
As previously noted in this column ("The ACORN Obama Knows," June 25, 2008), Obama also trained ACORN members in Chicago. In turn, ACORN volunteers worked on his Illinois campaigns and ACORN's PAC endorsed his primary bid with full backing and muscle.
- ACORN: HomeOver the last 18 months, ACORN has waged a voter registration campaign, ... ACORN and Project Vote Help 1.3 Million Apply to Register to Vote ...
www.acorn.org/ - 34k - Cached - Similar pages - Check Point - On Obama, Acorn and Voter Registration - NYTimes.comThe McCain campaign stepped up its efforts to tie Senator Barack Obama to a community organizing group that has been accused of involvement in problematic ...
Despite his adamant denials of any association with the group (his Fight the Smears website now claims "Barack Obama never organized with ACORN"), Obama's political DNA is encoded with the ACORN agenda.
The Obama campaign's "Vote for Change" registration drive, running parallel to ACORN/Project Vote, is an all-out scramble to scrape up every last unregistered voter sympathetic to Obama's big-government vision. "Our volume," Obama campaign manager David Plouffe bragged of the voter-registration program, "will be enormous."
Quantity over quality. It's the ACORN way.
In addition to the Las Vegas raid, fraud allegations keep piling up: Continued...
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They've made insidious insinuations about terrorist connections and invoked his middle name to prey on people's fears in a desperate and reckless attempt to revive their fading candidate.
We felt these actions required a rapid response. One designed to expose the smears for what they truly are... totally absurd.
Click on the picture below to watch The Name Game. (Or go to the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5YQ1oCguYs)
Please forward it to everyone you know... particularly undecided voters!
nateperkinstv has posted a video in response to NATEPERKINS.TV The Obama Handbag - Limited 150 Piece Edition.
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